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Europe, Rome

ICOH Report 2018-2021

ID 15693 | | Visite: 1019 | Documenti Sicurezza EntiPermalink:

ICOH Report 2018 2021

ICOH Report 2018-2021

ID 15693 | 07.02.2022

The current ICOH Triennium (2018 to 2022) started just after the very successful 32nd International Congress on Occupational Health (ICOH2018) held in Dublin, Ireland, for which we thank and congratulate the Congress President, Dr Martin Hogan, and his congress organizer committees. Little did we know at that time that the current triennium would be extended to four years and that many of the planned events for ICOH and its Scientific Committees, Working Groups and members would have to be indefinitely postponed or cancelled, and that so much of ICOH’s work would be done virtually as the ‘new normal’.

We live in unprecedented and challenging times. Our world is in turmoil, and the ways in which we live and work have changed forever during the course of the past two years.

The COVID-19 pandemic and all its health, economic and social impacts and ramifications have ironically brought the world closer together. Never before has there been such a united front in collaboration and sharing of lessons learned, knowledge and experience, as we all try to do our bit towards managing and eradicating the pandemic as quickly and effectively as possible.

There are probably very few workers and their families and communities worldwide who can say that they have not been affected by COVID-19. At international, regional and local levels, and across all sectors, organizations have mobilized their resources and skills to develop and/or share all they can about COVID-19 for the benefit of their workers, their families and their communities.

These include policies, legislation updates, technical guidance documents, training materials, official statements, risk assessment tools, standard operating procedures, action frameworks, vaccination protocols and mandates, and return-to-work guidelines.

Many organizations have dedicated COVID-19 resources on their websites, and have shared what they have learned though countless virtual information sessions such as webinars, symposia, conferences and workshops. ICOH has stepped up, as anticipated, and contributed to the ongoing global battle against the pandemic, and I would like to mention some iexamples.
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The International Commission on Occupational Health - ICOH

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