Decisione 2008/721/CE
ID 2410 | | Visite: 4177 | News Consumers | Permalink: |
Decisione 2008/721/CE
ID 2410 | 21.03.2024
Decisione 2008/721/CE - Scientific committee on emerging and newly identified health risks (SCENIHR)
Istituzione di una struttura consultiva di comitati scientifici ed esperti nel settore della sicurezza dei consumatori, della sanità pubblica e dell’ambiente (abroga la decisione 2004/210/CE)
The Committee provides opinions on emerging or newly-identified health and environmental risks and on broad, complex or multidisciplinary issues requiring a comprehensive assessment of risks to consumer safety or public health and related issues not covered by other Community risk assessment bodies.
Potential areas of activity include:
- antimicrobial resistance
- new technologies (e.g. nanotechnologies)
- medical devices including those incorporating substances of animal/human origin
- physical hazards (e.g. noise, electromagnetic fields)
- tissue engineering
- blood products
- fertility reduction
- cancer of endocrine organs
- interaction of risk factors, synergic effects, cumulative effects
- methodologies for assessing new risks
It may also be invited to address risks related to public health determinants and non-transmissible diseases.
La decisione 2008/721/CE è abrogata dalla
Decisione (UE) 2024/1514 della Commissione, del 7 agosto 2015, che istituisce comitati scientifici nel settore della sanità pubblica, della sicurezza dei consumatori e dell'ambiente (GU L 2024/1514 del 31.5.2024)
Tags: Consumers