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Waste Assessment Guidelines under the London Convention and Protocol

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Waste Assessment Guidelines

Waste Assessment Guidelines under the London Convention and Protocol

IMO (Just Published 8 June 2021 Edition 2021)

A number of documents, including Generic and Specific guidance for the various waste streams considered under the Convention and Protocol, have been developed to assist in the implementation at national level. In addition, a Waste Assessment Guidance Training Set is also available, as well as a low tech waste assessment guidance extension.

Waste Assessment Guidance Training Set

This is a set of instructional materials for a short, half-day presentation on waste assessment guidance under the London Convention and the London Protocol. The WAG is intended for use by national authorities responsible for regulating the ocean dumping of wastes.

The Training Set includes a series of slides that complements the Instructors Manual:

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: The London Convention and the London Protocol
Part 3: Step 1: Waste Characterization
Part 3: Step 2: Waste Prevention Audit and Management Options
Part 3: Step 3: Action List
Part 3: Step 4: Select a dump-site
Part 3: Step5: Impact assessment
Part 3: Step 6: The Permitting System
Part 3: Step 7: Permit Conditions
Part 3: Step 8: Monitoring
Part 4: Reference Materials

Low cost, low technology waste assessment guidance. 

Specific waste assessment guidance has been developed for the application of low-technology techniques for assessing dredged material, it aims to assist individuals, or organizations, in reviewing operations and provides the tools from a simple starting point to incrementally build an assessment, management and permitting system for dredged material to be considered for disposal to sea.  

The text of the guidance can be downloaded from here, or as an IMO publication no. I540, entitled Guidelines on low cost, low technology assessment of dredged material: 2015 edition.

Guidelines for low cost, low technology field monitoring is also in the process of being published, and compliance monitoring guidance is under development.

Waste Assessment Guidance documents

This file currently available in English contains the following guidance in their 2014 versions:

Generic Waste Assessment Guidelines
Carbon Dioxide Streams Assessment Guidelines
Action Lists and Levels for Dredged Materials
Dredged Material Assessment Guidelines
Sewage Sludge Assessment Guidelines
Fish Waste Assessment Guidelines
Vessel Assessment Guidelines
Platform and Structures Assessment Guidelines
Inert, Inorganic Geological Material Assessment Guidelines
Organic Material of Natural Origin Assessment Guidelines
Bulky Items Assessment Guidelines

Note that these texts are only provided to facilitate the work of national administrations. For any other purpose, please refer to the publication "Waste Assessment Guidelines under the London Convention and Protocol: 2014 edition".

Just Published 8 June 2021

Waste Assessment Guidelines under the London Convention and Protocol, 2021 Edition (digital edition)

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Allegato riservato London Convention.pdf
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Scarica questo file (London Convention and Protocol - Preview.pdf)London Convention and Protocol - Preview
EN211 kB206

Tags: Trasporto marittimo

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