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UNI ISO 12480-3:2021 | Gru a torre

ID 13542 | | Visite: 4318 | News NormazionePermalink:

Gru a torre

UNI ISO 12480-3:2021 | Gru a torre

UNI ISO 12480-3:2021 Apparecchi di sollevamento - Uso sicuro - Parte 3: Gru a torre

Data entrata in vigore : 13 maggio 2021

La norma stabilisce le pratiche richieste in materia di sicurezza di impiego delle gru a torre.


In allegato Preview ISO 12480-3:2020 riservata abbonati

This document establishes required practices for the safe use of tower cranes.

Subjects covered include safe systems of work, management, planning, selection, erection and dismantling, special base, operation and maintenance of cranes and the selection of operators, slingers and signalers.

It does not cover manually (non-powered) operated cranes, or cranes in which at least one of its motions is manually operated.

Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 4306-1, Cranes - Vocabulary - Part 1: General
ISO 4306-3, Cranes - Vocabulary - Part 3: Tower cranes
ISO 9927-3:2005, Cranes - Inspections - Part 3: Tower cranes
ISO 11660-3, Cranes - Access, guards and restraints - Part 3: Tower cranes
ISO 12480-1:1997, Cranes - Safe use - Part 1: General
ISO 12482, Cranes - Monitoring for crane design working period


Fonte: ISO/UNI


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