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UNI EN 17082:2020 | Generatori di aria calda a gas PT ≤ 300 W

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UNI EN 17082 2020

UNI EN 17082:2020 | Generatori di aria calda alimentati a gas PT ≤ 300 W

UNI EN 17082:2020 Generatori di aria calda alimentati a gas, a convezione forzata, per il riscaldamento di ambienti domestici e non domestici con portata termica non maggiore di 300 kW

Data entrata in vigore: 20 febbraio 2020

La norma specifica i requisiti e i metodi di prova per la sicurezza e l’efficienza dei generatori di aria calda alimentati a gas per uso domestico e non domestico con o senza ventilatore nel circuito di combustione.

Il documento si applica anche ai generatori di aria calda con bruciatore a tiraggio forzato.

Il documento si applica anche agli apparecchi di tipo B11, B11AS, B11BS, B12, B12AS, B12BS, B13, B13AS, B13BS, B14, B14AS, B14BS, B22, B23, B41, B41AS, B41BS, B42, B42AS, B42BS, B43, B43AS, B43BS, B44, B44AS, B44BS, B52, B53, C11, C12, C13, C21, C31, C32, C33, C41, C62 e C63, con portata termica non maggiore di 300 kW (riferita al potere calorifico inferiore).

Il documento si applica anche agli apparecchi di tipo A2 e A3 con portata termica non maggiore di 300 kW (potere calorifico inferiore) per uso non domestico.

Recepisce: EN 17082:2019

Sostituisce:UNI EN 525:2009
UNI EN 778:2009
UNI EN 1020:2009
UNI EN 621:2010
UNI EN 1319:2010
UNI EN 1196:2011


In allegato preview EN 17082:2019 riservata Abbonati

EN 17082:2019 Domestic and non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating not exceeding a net heat input of 300 kW

This document specifies the requirements and test methods for the safety and efficiency of gas fired air heaters with or without a fan to assist the transportation of combustion air and/or flue gases, hereafter referred to as "appliances".

This document also applies to warm air heaters having forced draught burners.

This document applies to Type A2, A3 appliances, with an input not exceeding 300 kW (net CV basis), intended for non-domestic use.

This document also applies to Type B11, B11AS, B11BS, B12, B12AS, B12BS, B13, B13AS, B13BS, B14, B14AS, B14BS, B22, B23, B41, B41AS, B41BS, B42, B42AS, B42BS, B43, B43AS, B43BS, B44, B44AS, B44BS, B52, B53, C11, C12, C13, C21, C31, C32, C33, C41, C62 and C63 appliances with an input not exceeding 300 kW (net CV basis), intended for domestic and non-domestic use.

Provision of the heated air may be by means of ducting.

This document does not apply to:
a) dual purpose air conditioning appliances (heating and cooling);
b) appliances where the air is heated by an intermediate fluid;
c) portable or transportable forced convection appliances;
d) appliances fitted with manual or automatic means of adjusting the combustion products evacuation by means of flue dampers;
e) appliances having multiple heating units with a single draught diverter;
f) appliances fitted with more than one flue outlet;
g) appliances fitted with gas boosters;
h) C21 and C41 appliances for 3rd family gases.

Note: For C41 appliances, see all requirements and test methods that are valid for C21 appliances,unless otherwise stated.

This document is not intended to cover appliances projected for connection to gas grids where the quality of the distributed gas is likely to vary to a large extent over the lifetime of the appliance.

This document is applicable to appliances which are intended to be type tested.

Fonte: UNI

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