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EN ISO 12100: sarà introdotto il pericolo "Security"

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EN ISO 12100: sarà introdotta la "Security"

La "Security" sarà un termine (pericolo) in relazione anche alla "Sicurezza" macchine ed introdotto nella EN ISO 12100 in un prossimo emendamento.

Security - Contact ISO/ TC 199 to start with an amendment of ISO 12100 to implement security as a hazard related to machinery safety.

Security for industrial automation and control systems. In order to address a range of applications (i.e., industry types), each of the terms in this description have been interpreted very broadly. 

The term “Industrial Automation and Control Systems” (IACS), includes control systems used in manufacturing and processing plants and facilities, building environmental control systems, geographically dispersed operations such as utilities (i.e., electricity, gas, and water), pipelines and petroleum production and distribution facilities, and other industries and applications such as transportation networks, that use automated or remotely controlled or monitored assets.

The term “security” is considered here to mean the prevention of illegal or unwanted penetration, intentional or unintentional interference with the proper and intended operation, or inappropriate access to confidential information in IACS.

Cybersecurity which is the particular focus of this technical specification, includes computers, networks, operating systems, applications and other programmable configurable components of the system.

The audience for this technical specification includes all users of IACS (including facility operations, maintenance, engineering, and corporate components of user organizations), manufacturers, suppliers, government organizations involved with, or affected by, control system cybersecurity, control system practitioners, and security practitioners. Because mutual understanding and cooperation between information technology (IT) and operations, engineering, and manufacturing organizations is important for the overall success of any security initiative, this technical specification is also a reference for those responsible for the integration of IACS and enterprise networks. Typical questions addressed by this technical specification include:

a) What is the general scope of application for IACS security?
b) How can the needs and requirements of a security system be defined using consistent terminology?
c) What are the basic concepts that form the foundation for further analysis of the activities, system attributes, and actions that are important to provide electronically secure control systems?
d) How can the components of an IACS be grouped or classified for the purpose of defining and managing security?
e) What are the different cybersecurity objectives for control system applications?
f) How can these objectives be established and codified? Each of these questions is addressed in detail in subsequent clauses of this technical specification. 

IEC /TC 44 - Safety of machinery - Electrotechnical aspects

ISO/TC 199 - Safety of machinery

Fonte: IEC

Scarica questo file (TC 44 Business Plan 2015-09.pdf)TC 44 Business Plan 2015-09.
EN137 kB895

Tags: Normazione EN ISO 12100

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