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EN 15188:2020

ID 13665 | | Visite: 1917 | Documenti CENPermalink:

EN 15188 2020

EN 15188:2020 Determination of the spontaneous ignition behaviour of dust accumulations

This European Standard specifies analysis and evaluation procedures for determining self-ignition temperatures (TSI) of combustible dusts or granular materials as a function of volume by hot storage experiments in ovens of constant temperature. The specified test method is applicable to any solid material for which the linear correlation of lg (V/A) versus the reciprocal self-ignition temperature 1/TSI (with TSI in K) holds (i.e. not limited to only oxidatively unstable materials).

This European Standard is not applicable to the ignition of dust layers or bulk solids under aerated conditions (e.g. as in fluid bed dryer).

This European Standard shall not be applied to dusts like recognised explosives that do not require atmospheric oxygen for combustion, nor to pyrophoric materials.

Because of regulatory and safety reasons "recognised explosives" are not in the scope of this European Standard. In spite of that, substances which undergo thermal decomposition reactions and which are not "recognised explosives" but behave very similarly to self-ignition processes when they decompose are in the scope.

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Con la Decisione di esecuzione (UE) 2021/845, entra in regime di armonizzazione per la direttiva 2014/34/UE (ATEX), la EN 15188:2020, per quanto riguarda l’individuazione del comportamento di accensione spontanea per accumuli di polvere, con ritiro della EN 115188:2007 a partire dalla data del 27 Novembre 2022.


Fonte: EVS


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