UNI EN ISO 16090-1 Sicurezza Centri di lavoro, fresatrici, macchine transfer / Taglio a freddo metalli - P.2 Istruzioni
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UNI EN ISO 16090-1 Sicurezza Centri lavoro, fresatrici taglio metalli ID 17927 | 27.10.2022 / Documento in allegato - Licenza ISO Certifico Srl La UNI EN ISO 16090-1:2019 (tipo C ai sensi della EN ISO 12100), specifica i requisiti tecnici di sicurezza e le misure di protezione per la progettazione, la costruzione e la fornitura delle macchine utensili utilizzate per il taglio a freddo di metalli e materiali non combustibili (alesatrici, fresatrici, centri di lavoro, macchine transfer e macchine speciali. La norma, alla data, non è armonizzata per la Direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE. Documento d'interesse per i Costruttori (Direttiva macchine 2006/42/CE) e Utilizzatori (D.Lgs. 81.2008). Doc. 2.Istruzioni per l’uso Della norma UNI EN ISO 16090-1:2019 sono state elaborate due parti: - UNI EN ISO 16090-1 Sicurezza Centri di lavoro, fresatrici, macchine transfer / Taglio a freddo metalli - P.1 Suddivisione in gruppi _______ UNI EN ISO 16090-1:2019 Sicurezza delle macchine utensili - Centri di lavoro, fresatrici, macchine transfer - Parte 1: Requisiti di sicurezza La norma specifica i requisiti tecnici di sicurezza e le misure di protezione per la progettazione, la costruzione e la fornitura (inclusi l'installazione e lo smantellamento, le modalità di trasporto e manutenzione) delle fresatrici fisse, incluse le macchine in grado di eseguire operazioni di alesatura, centri di lavoro e macchine transfer che sono destinate a tagliare a freddo metalli e altri materiali non combustibili ad eccezione del legno o materiali con caratteristiche fisiche simili a quelle del legno come definito nella norma UNI EN ISO 19085-1, e vetro, pietra e materiali lapidei agglomerati come definiti nella UNI EN 14618. La norma si applica alle seguenti macchine: a) alesatrici e fresatrici a comando manuale senza controllo numerico; La norma tratta tutti i pericoli significativi nonché le situazioni pericolose e gli eventi pericolosi rilevanti per questo tipo di macchine che possono manifestarsi durante il trasporto, l'assemblaggio e l'installazione, la messa a punto, il funzionamento, la pulizia e la manutenzione, l'eliminazione delle avarie, la messa fuori servizio o smantellamento secondo la UNI EN ISO 12100, quando utilizzate come previsto e in condizioni di utilizzo scorretto che sono ragionevolmente prevedibili dal fabbricante. La norma presuppone l'accessibilità alla macchina da tutte le direzioni e specifica le condizioni di accesso alle posizioni dell'operatore. Si applica anche ai dispositivi di trasferimento del pezzo, compresi i dispositivi di trasporto per il carico/scarico quando parte integrante della macchina. _______ 6.3 Instruction for use 6.3.1 General An instruction handbook in accordance with ISO 12100, completed with the specific information for the stated milling machine, shall be provided with the machine. The instructions for use shall provide all necessary information regarding transport, assembly/disassembly, operation, setting, maintenance, cleaning, etc., to train or qualify the staff sufficiently in intended and safe use of the machine. The instruction handbook shall specify that it is essential that operators be adequately trained in the safe use, adjustment and operation of the machine. At least the following information shall be given: a) specifications on machining processes and modes of safe operation for which the machine is suited. For all modes of safe operation, detailed descriptions for the intended use of these modes of safe operation have to be defined: 1) information about the reasonable foreseeable misuse; NOTE As a protective measure against loss of whole workpieces, the protective enclosure is not always sufficient. 3) the necessary qualification of operators in MSO 1 and particular if the machine provides the mode of safe operation MSO 2, MSO 3 which, for example, requires experience in: i) adjusting and clamping of workpieces and devices; 4) if the machine provides MSO Service in accordance with, the manufacturer of the machine shall additionally specify i) the details of the application(s) of service mode, and b) a declaration that the safeguards shall be in place and functional before initiating movements for each mode of safe operation; c) a requirement for installation (if relevant, also recommendations on means to prevent access to chip discharge area); including instructions for how the initial test and examination of the machine and its guarding system are to be carried out before first use and being placed into production. For machines using combustible coolants, which are equipped with pressure releasing devices, these also include information on the installation site (keeping the area above the pressure releasing device free); d) a requirement for maintenance, including a list of those devices which shall be inspected or tested, how frequently and by what method; e) instructions for any test or examination necessary after change of component parts or addition of optional equipment (both hardware and software) to Group 1 and Group 2 machines, which can affect the safety functions; f) specification for changing safety relevant parts of control system when their life less than the mission time of the machine and the architecture is less than category 3 according to ISO 13849-1; g) the frequency of visual inspections that are necessary to ensure the protective function of vision panels, including the details of: 6.3.4 Machine functions accessible from the NC panel The instructions for use shall describe the correct selection and use of machine functions accessible from the NC panel, e.g. tool corrections, mode access and mode changes. 6.3.5 Restart Information shall be provided on restart procedures. 6.3.6 Noise The following information on airborne noise emissions shall be provided: a) the A-weighted emission sound pressure level at workstations, where this exceeds 70 dB(A); where this level does not exceed 70 dB(A), this fact shall be indicated; b) the A-weighted sound power level emitted by the machinery, where the A-weighted emission sound pressure level at workstations exceeds 80 dB(A). These values shall be either those actually measured for the machinery in question or those established on the basis of measurements taken for technically comparable machinery which is representative of the machinery to be produced. In the case of very large machines (see K.3), instead of the A-weighted sound power level, the A-weighted emission sound pressure levels at points equally spaced on a path around the machine at 1 m from the machine surface and 1,6 m above the floor or platform shall be declared. Whenever sound emission values are indicated, the uncertainties surrounding these values shall be specified. The operating conditions of the machinery during measurement and the measuring methods used shall be described. The declaration shall be accompanied by a statement of the measuring method used and the operating conditions applied during the test and values for uncertainty, K, using a dual number form of declaration defined in accordance with ISO 4871: K = 4 dB when using ISO 3746 or ISO 11202 (grade 3); K = 2,5 dB when using ISO 3744 or ISO 11204 (grade 2). EXAMPLE For a sound power level LWA = 83 dB(A) (measured value), uncertainty K = 4 dB(A) for measurements made in accordance with ISO 3746. Another example for noise declaration can be found in ISO 230-5:2000, Annex E. NOTE The operating modes mentioned in the example from ISO 230-5 are only general and not represent the modes of safe operation for milling machines according to the definitions 3.4.4 to 3.4.7. The noise declaration shall be accompanied by the following statement: “The figures quoted are emission levels and are not necessarily safe working levels. Whilst there is a correlation between the emission and exposure levels, this cannot be used reliably to determine whether or not further precautions are required. Factors that influence the actual level of exposure of the workforce include the characteristics of the work room and the other sources of noise, etc., i.e. the number of machines and other adjacent processes and the length of time for which an operator is exposed to the noise. Also, the permissible exposure level can vary from country to country. This information, however, should enable the user of the machine to make a better risk assessment. Information on noise emission shall also be provided in the sales literature providing performance data of the machine. ... Certifico Srl - IT | Rev. 0.0 2022 / Licenza ISO Certifico Srl
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