EN 12547:2014 Centrifughe - Requisiti comuni di sicurezza PDF e file CEM
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10 Marzo 2025 | ||
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EN 12547:2014 Centrifughe - Requisiti comuni di sicurezza ID 6265 | Update news 12.10.2022 Testo requisiti e File CEM importabile in CEM4 La EN 12547:2014 è armonizzata per la Direttiva Macchine 2006/42/CE. La norma si applica a centrifughe per la separazione o il cambiamento di concentrazione di miscele di liquidi e solidi. Essa fornisce i requisiti per ridurre al minimo i pericoli significativi collegati al funzionamento delle centrifughe. ... 1.1 This European Standard applies to centrifuges for the separation or change in concentration of mixtures of liquids and solids. It gives requirements to minimize the risks caused by the significant hazards arising during the operation of centrifuges as specified in 1.2. 1.2 This European Standard gives requirements for minimizing the risks caused by the following hazards: - mechanical hazards common to all types of centrifuges, except those specified in 1.3; 1.3 Types of centrifuges and hazards excluded 1.3.1 Types of centrifuges excluded: - centrifuges with a kinetic energy of rotation less than 200 J; 1.3.2 Hazards excluded This European Standard does not deal explicitly with the hazards listed below. NOTE 1 In cases, where such hazards might occur and could become relevant for the construction of the centrifuge, use specific standards for this hazard or make a risk analysis. - hazards caused by overpressure or negative pressure inside the centrifuge housing; NOTE 2 Inherently hazardous substances include toxic, carcinogenic and flammable substances for example. Other substances may be hazardous because of their condition in the centrifuge, i.e. temperature, velocity and vapour pressure. - hazards due to construction materials; Materials used in the construction of centrifuges should not be hazardous in the condition in which they are used. - centrifuges subject to application specific standards (e.g. EN 12505). NOTE 3 The design of centrifuges covered by EN 12547 varies to the extent that additional hazards may exist that are not covered by the requirements of this standard and is not excluded above. The manufacturer is responsible for providing suitable measures to deal with these hazards as part of a general risk assessment for the machine. Such measures are outside the scope of this standard and the direct responsibility of the manufacturer. 1.3.3 This European Standard gives guidance on the selection of performance levels according to EN ISO 13849 1:2008, but does not identify performance levels for specific applications. 1.4 This European Standard is not applicable to centrifuges which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN. Gestione e VR sulla norma in CEM4![]() File CEM importabile CEM4 | www.cem4.eu Norme armonizzate Direttiva macchine online
________ http://www.certifico.com/it/liberatoria-file-cem La norma completa in EN è acquistabile al sito di UNI.
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