Asbestos essentials
Asbestos Essentials is a task manual for building, maintenance and allied trades on how to safely carry out non-licensed work involving asbestos.
Asbestos essentials task sheets For advice on when and how you should use these sheets make sure you printout and read AO - Advice on Non-licensed work with Asbestos PDF.
Equipment and method sheets Work with asbestos cement (AC) (non-licensed) Working with textured coatings (TC) containing asbestos (non-licensed) Strictly controlled minor work on Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB) Safe work with undamaged asbestos materials Removal and replacement of other asbestos containing materials Fly-tipped waste
Equipment and method sheets EM1. What to do if you uncover or damage materials that may contain asbestos PDF EM2. Training PDF EM3. Building and dismantling a mini-enclosure PDF EM4. Using a class-H vacuum cleaner for asbestos PDF EM5. Wetting asbestos materials PDF EM6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) PDF EM7. Using damp rags to clean surfaces of minor asbestos contamination PDF EM8. Personal decontamination PDF EM9. Disposal of asbestos waste PDF EM10. Statement of cleanliness after textured coating removal PDF
Work with asbestos cement (AC) (non-licensed) A9. Drilling holes in asbestos cement and other highly bonded materials PDF A10. Cleaning debris from guttering on an asbestos cement roof PDF A11. Removing asbestos cement debris PDF A12. Cleaning weathered asbestos cement roofing and cladding PDF A13. Repairing damaged asbestos cement PDF A14. Removing asbestos cement sheets, gutters, etc. and dismantling a small asbestos cement structure PDF A15. Removing asbestos cement or reinforced plastic product eg tank, duct, water cistern PDF A16. Painting asbestos cement sheets PDF A35. Replacing an asbestos cement flue or duct PDF A36. Removing an asbestos cement panel outside, beside or beneath a window PDF
Working with textured coatings (TC) containing asbestos (non-licensed) A26. Drilling and boring through textured coatings PDF A27. Inserting and removing screws through textured coatings PDF A28. Removing textured coating from a small area eg 1 square metre PDF A29. Cleaning up debris following collapse of ceiling or wall covered with textured coating PDF Strictly controlled minor work on Asbestos Insulating Board (AIB) A1. Drilling holes in asbestos insulating board PDF A2. Removing a single (screwed-in) asbestos insulating board ceiling tile PDF A3. Removing a door with asbestos insulating board fireproofing PDF A4. Removing a single asbestos insulating board panel less than 1m2, fixed in with nails or screws PDF A5. Cleaning light fittings attached to asbestos insulating board PDF A6. Repairing minor damage to asbestos insulating board PDF A7. Painting undamaged asbestos insulating board PDF
Safe work with undamaged asbestos materials A8. Enclosing undamaged asbestos materials to prevent impact damage PDF A20. Laying cables in areas containing undamaged asbestos materials PDF A34. Removing pins and nails from an asbestos insulating board panel PDF
Removal and replacement of other asbestos containing materials A17. Removing asbestos paper linings PDF A18. Removing asbestos friction linings PDF A19. Removing an asbestos fire blanket PDF A21. Removing asbestos-containing bituminous products PDF A22. Removing metal cladding lined with asbestos-containing bitumen PDF A23. Removing asbestos-containing floor tiles and mastic PDF A24. Removing flexible asbestos duct connectors (gaiters) PDF A25. Removing compressed asbestos fibre gaskets and asbestos rope seals PDF A30. Removing an asbestos-containing 'arc shield' from electrical switchgear PDF A31. Removing a single asbestos-containing gas or electric heater PDF A32. Replacing an asbestos-containing part in a 'period' domestic appliance PDF A33. Replacing an asbestos-containing fuse box or single fuse assembly PDF A37. Removing asbestos-containing mastic, sealant, beading, filler, putty or fixing PDF
Fly-tipped waste A38. Making safe and collecting fly-tipped asbestos waste
Fonte: HSE
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