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UN Model Regulations 18a Revised edition

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UN Model Regulations 18a 
Revised edition

UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Model Regulations 18a revised edition

Table of contents 
Volume I 
(Recommendations, Parts 1 to 3, Dangerous Goods List, Appendices and Alphabetical Index)
Volume II (Parts 4 to 7 and Table of Correspondence)

Part 1:
General provisions, definitions, training and security

Part 2:

Part 3:
Dangerous goods list, special provisions and exceptions


Alphabetical index of substances and articles

Part 4:
Packing and tank provisions

Part 5:

Consignment procedures

Part 6:
Requirements for the construction and testing of packagings, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), large packagings, portable tanks, multiple-element gas containers (MEGCs) and bulk containers

Part 7:
Provisions concerning transport operations

Table of correspondence between paragraph numbers in the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (2012 Edition) and the eighteenth revised edition of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations

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Copyright © United Nations, 2013
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Allegato riservato ST-SG-AC10-1-Rev18-Corr2e.pdf
Rev. 18 Corrigendum 2
165 kB 11
Allegato riservato ST-SG-AC10-1-Rev18-Corr1e.pdf
Rev. 18 Corrigendum 1
152 kB 10
Allegato riservato UN Model Regulations Rev. 18 e-version.pdf
Rev. 18
14275 kB 13

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