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Racking & shelving systems and the european machinery directive

ID 3044 | | Visite: 5383 | Documenti Riservati Direttiva macchinePermalink:

Racking & shelving systems and the european machinery directive

Typical racking & shelving situations

a. Hand loaded static racking and shelving operated by a freely traveling truck is not a machine according to the Directive. 

b. Static racking served by a narrow aisle truck that is not connected to the racking is not a machine according to the Directive. 

c. Racking in which the unit loads are moved by gravity and which is served by hand or by a freely travelling truck is not a machine according to the Directive. 

d. Mobile racking and shelving that is not power driven and that is hand loaded or served by a freely traveling truck is not a machine according to the Directive. 

e. Static drive-in shuttle-operated racking is part of a machine.

f. Static racking and shelving that is served by a stacker crane which is laterally (and sometimes also vertically) supported by the racking or shelving is part of a machine. g. Power driven mobile racking and shelving is a machine according to the Directive.

FEM 2011

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