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Europe, Rome

CEI EN IEC 60670-1:2022

ID 15900 | | Visite: 4153 | Documenti CEIPermalink:

CEI EN IEC 60670 1 2022

CEI EN IEC 60670-1:2022 (CEI 23-48)

Scatole e involucri per apparecchi elettrici per installazioni elettriche fisse per usi domestici e similari Parte 1: Prescrizioni generali

Relationship between this European standard and the safety objectives of Directive 2014/35/EU[2014 OJ L96] aimed to be covered

This European standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request relating to harmonized standards in the field of the Low Voltage Directive, M/511, to provide one voluntary means of conforming to safety objectives of Directive 2014/35/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits [2014 OJ L96].

Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive, compliance with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table ZZ.1 confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding safety objectives of that Directive, and associated EFTA regulations.

Table ZZ.1 - Correspondence between this European standard and Annex I of Directive 2014/35/EU [2014 OJ L96]

Safety objectives of Directive 2014/35/EU

Clause(s) / subclause(s) of this EN


Remarks / Notes

1. General conditions

(a) the essential characteristics, the recognition and observance of which will ensure that electrical equipment will be used safely and in applications for which it was made, shall be marked on the electrical equipment, or, if this is not possible, on an accompanying document;

8 - Marking

(b) the electrical equipment, together with its component parts, shall be made in such a way as to ensure that it can be safely and properly assembled and connected;

8 - Marking

10 - Protection against electrical shock
11 - Provision for earthing
12 - Construction
13- Resistance to ageing, protection against ingress of solid objects and against harmful ingress of water

(c) the electrical equipment shall be so designed and manufactured as to ensure that protection against the hazards set out in points 2 and 3 is ensured, providing that the equipment is used in applications for which it was made and is adequately maintained.

10 - Protection against electrical shock
11 - Provision for earthing
12 – Construction
14 - Insulation resistance and electrical strength
15 - Mechanical strength

2. Protection against hazards arising from the electrical equipment

Measures of a technical nature shall be laid down in accordance with point 1, in order to ensure that:

(a) persons and domestic animals are adequately protected against the danger of physical injury or other harm which might be caused by direct or indirect contact;

10 - Protection against electrical shock
11 - Provision for earthing
14 - Insulation resistance and electrical strength
15 - Mechanical strength
18 - Resistance of insulating material to abnormal heat and fire
19 - Resistance to tracking

(b) temperatures, arcs or radiation which would cause a danger, are not produced;

14- Insulation resistance and electrical strength 16 - Resistance to heat
18 - Resistance of insulating material to abnormal heat and fire
19 - Resistance to tracking
Z1 - Electromagnetic fields (EMF) requirements

(c) persons, domestic animals and property are adequately protected against non- electrical dangers caused by the electrical equipment which are revealed by experience;

12 – Construction
15 - Mechanical strength

(d) the insulation is suitable for foreseeable conditions.

14 - Insulation resistance and electrical strength
15 - Mechanical strength
16 – Resistance to heat
18 - Resistance of insulating material to abnormal heat and fire
19 - Resistance to tracking

3. Protection against hazards which may be caused by external influences on the electrical equipment

Technical measures shall be laid down in accordance with point 1, in order to ensure that the electrical equipment:

(a) meets the expected mechanical requirements in such a way that persons, domestic animals and property are not endangered;

12 - Construction
13 - Resistance to ageing, protection against ingress of solid objects and against harmful ingress of water
15 - Mechanical strength
20 - Resistance to corrosion

(b) is resistant to non- mechanical influences in expected environmental conditions, in such a way that persons, domestic animals and property are not endangered;

13 – Resistance to ageing, protection against ingress of solid objects and against harmful ingress of water
18 - Resistance of insulating material to abnormal heat and fire

(c) does not endanger persons, domestic animals and property in foreseeable conditions of overload.

Products covered by this standard are not subject to overload and therefore no requirements are needed.

WARNING 1: Presumption of conformity stays valid only as long as a reference to this European standard is maintained in the list published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Users of this standard should consult frequently the latest list published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

WARNING 2: Other Union legislation may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this standard.

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