Chemicals in food 2016 EFSA
ID 3524 | | Visite: 7159 | Legislazione chemicals food | Permalink: |
Chemicals in food 2016
Pesticide residues in food
Veterinary drug residues
Acrylamide in food
Glycidyl esters and 3-MCPD
Because of our role as an information hub for several EU-wide data collection activities related to chemicals in food, the European Commission asked EFSA to produce a yearly report on chemicals in food for the general public. The report highlights the work done in this area and touches on how these topics have been reported in the media or on social media.
At the request of the Commission, the report provides a snapshot of EFSA’s most recent data collection activities on the occurrence of chemicals in food rather than a complete overview of the Authority’s work in this area.
This report covers a cross section of EFSA’s data collection activities since the first report was published in 2015, with a focus on two annual reports (pesticide residues and veterinary drug residues) and on consumer exposure to two process contaminants of high public interest: acrylamide in food, and glycidyl esters/MCPDs in vegetable oils and food.
These are just few examples of how cooperation in data collection between EFSA and Member States supports risk managers in making informed decisions to protect and promote the health of consumers in Europe.
EFSA 2016