Support study revision of Regulation (EC) n. 561/2006
ID 19499 | | Visite: 831 | Trasporto Strada | Permalink: |
Support study for an impact assessment for a possible revision of Regulation (EC) n. 561/2006 on driving times, breaks and rest periods of road transport workers
ID 19499 | 25.04.2023
The purpose of the study was to support an impact assessment for a possible revision of the rules on organising breaks and rest periods in a way that would take into account the specificities and needs of the occasional bus and coach transport sector. Since these specificities have not been reflected adequately in the current rules, Article 8 (10) of Regulation (EC) N. 561/2006 requires the Commission to evaluate and report to the European Parliament and to the Council on whether more appropriate rules for drivers engaged in occasional services of carriage of passengers can be adopted.
Articolo 8 (10)
10. Entro il 21 agosto 2022 la Commissione valuta e riferisce al Parlamento e al Consiglio se possono essere adottate norme più adeguate per i conducenti che effettuano servizi occasionali di trasporto di passeggeri, ai sensi dell’articolo 2, punto 4), del regolamento (CE) n. 1073/2009 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 21 ottobre 2009.
Fonte: EC
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