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Non-ferrous Metals Manufacturing: Vision for 2050 and Actions Needed

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Non-ferrous Metals Manufacturing: Vision for 2050 and Actions Needed

17.05.2017 Commissione Europea, JRC Report

This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service.

The European non-ferrous metals manufacturing industry is a strategic sector directly employing 500,000 people and supplying products for numerous crucial downstream industrial sectors.
As a capital intensive industry, its investment horizon spans over decades and is thus particularly in need of adopting a long-term strategic perspective. This foresight study applied a highly participatory, qualitative methodology that gathered representatives of the non-ferrous metals industry, research institutions, policymakers, trade unions and stakeholders from upstream and downstream sectors.

This methodology allowed:
(1) to define a long-term (2050) vision for the non-ferrous metals manufacturing industry and
(2) to propose concrete actions for the industry itself, policymakers, and other stakeholders, to address the challenges faced by the sector (trade and competition, innovation, resources, business integrity and skills) on its path towards the vision.


Executive summary
1 Context and objectives
2 Methodology and process
2.1 Assessing the relevance of the sector
2.2 Identifying key actors and stakeholders
2.3 Developing a systemic understanding and a long-term vision for the sector (workshop 1)
2.4 Identifying challenges towards the vision
2.5 Proposing actions to address the challenges (workshop 2)
3 Relevance of the non-ferrous metals sector
4 Vision for 2050
5 Challenges on the way towards the vision and actions proposed
5.1 Introduction to the challenges
5.2 Trade and competition
5.3 Innovation
5.4 Resources
5.5 Business integrity and skills
6 Conclusions
7 Annexes
7.1 Annex I -Organisations represented at the two workshops
7.2 Annex II - Scenarios
7.3 Annex III - Vision narrative

Fonte: Commissione Europea 2017

Scarica questo file (Non ferrous Metals Manufacturing Vision for 2050 and Actions Needed.pdf)Non ferrous Metals Manufacturing Vision for 2050 and Actions Needed.pdf
CE/JRC 2017
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