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Europe, Rome

Supplementary Guidance on the LVD/EMCD/RED

ID 6036 | | Visite: 8124 | Guide Nuovo ApproccioPermalink:

Supplementary Guidance LVD EMCD RED

Supplementary Guidance on the LVD/EMCD/RED

Brussels, 26/04/2018

This document supplements the Guides (existing or future) on Directive 2014/35/EU (LVD), Directive 2014/30/EU (EMCD) and Directive 2014/53/EU (RED).

In addition, this document shall be read together with the Blue Guide. In particular, Chapter 2 of the Blue Guide provides clarifications on the application of Union Harmonisation legislation to finished products. Chapter 3 of the Blue Guide provides clarifications on role and responsibilities of economic actors in the supply chain when they make their products available on the EU market.

The references, in this document, to 'EU market' are without prejudice to the EEA agreement and the EU-Turkey association agreement.

This document has been prepared by the competent Commission services in collaboration with the relevant national authorities and stakeholders.

It should be noted that this document is publicly available but is not binding, even if the word 'shall' is used in many parts. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of a EU law (e.g. LVD/EMCD/RED) and this document, the provisions of EU law prevail. National market surveillance authorities shall take action with respect to finished non- compliant products on the basis of the provisions of the applicable EU act(s).

Lastly, this is without prejudice to the applicability of any other EU act (s) which might also be applicable to the products in question.


Fonte: Commissione Europea


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Allegato riservato LVD EMCD RED Supplementary Guidance.pdf
Commissione Europea Aprile 26 2018
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