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Vedi Abbonamenti, Prodotti tecnici e Software 2025

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Certifico: Informazione tecnica HSE / 25° anno

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Vedi Abbonamenti, Prodotti tecnici e Software 2025

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Certifico 2000/2024: Informazione Utile

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Vedi Abbonamenti, Prodotti e Software 2024

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Vedi Abbonamenti, Prodotti e Software 2024

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Certifico 2000/2023: Informazione Utile

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Certifico 2000/2023: Informazione Utile

Abbonamenti Promo fino al 20 Agosto - 20% ticket "CERTIFICO20"

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Abbonamenti Promo fino al 20 Agosto - 20% ticket "CERTIFICO20"

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Abbonamenti Promo fino al 20 Agosto - 20%

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Certifico 2000/2022: Informazione Utile

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Certifico 2000/2022: Informazione Utile

Tutti i Software, Prodotti e Documenti Tecnici presenti sono elaborati direttamente

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CEM4: certifico machinery directive

Il software per Direttiva macchine

da Marzo 2000

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Certifico 2000/2021: Informazione Utile

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Europe, Rome

Istruzioni Scritte (Tremcards) ADR 2015

ID 1255 | | Visite: 28067 | Istruzioni Scritte - TremcardsPermalink:

Istruzioni Scritte (Tremcards) ADR 2015

I modelli ufficiali delle Istruzioni Scritte (Tremcards) ADR 2015

Ricordiamo che con l'ADR 2015 le Tremcards sono state modificate.

Allegato all'articolo le Tremcards rilasciate ad oggi, aggiorneremo i Modelli allegati al rilascio ufficiale sul sito dell'UNECE.

Update 09.02.2016 Valide fino al 30.06.2017 

Vedi le nuove ADR 2017

French UNECE Version (Source: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222 and Add.1)
English   UNECE Version (Source: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222 and Add.1)
Russian UNECE Version (Source: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222 and Add.1)
Bulgarian (Source: Government of Bulgaria, received on 02.02.2016)
Danish (Source: Government of Denmark, received on 09.12.2014)
Dutch (Source: Government of Belgium)
Dutch (Source: Government of the Netherlands, received on 17.09.2015)
Estonian (Source: Government of Estonia, received on 8.10.2015)
Finnish (Source: Government of Finland, received on 22.06.2015)
German Source: Government of Germany, received on 14.11.2014/Government of Switzerland, received on 14.11.2014/Government of Austria, received on 24.11.2014)

On 14.11.2014 the Government of Switzerland notified that variations in spelling or terminology confirmed by usage in certain German-speaking countries or regions are acceptable and do not affect the validity of the instructions in writing provided they may be understood by the members of the vehicle crew. 
On 24.11.2014 the Government of Austria notified that variations in spelling or terminology confirmed by usage in certain German-speaking countries or regions are acceptable and do not affect the validity of the instructions in writing provided they may be understood by the members of the vehicle crew.
Greek (Source: Government of Greece, update received on 17.09.2015)
Hungarian (Source: Government of Hungary, received on 08.07.2015)
Italian (Source: Government of Italy, received on 11.09.2015)
Latvian (Source: Government of Latvia, received on 30.12.2014)
Lithuanian (Source: Government of the Republic of Lithuania, received on 14.07.2015)
Norwegian (Source: Government of Norway, received on 01.12.2014)
Polish (Source: Government of Poland, received on 20.08.2015)
Portoguese (Source: Government of Portugal, received on 25.05.2015)
Romanian (Source: Government of Romania, received on 11.03.2015)
Serbian (Source: Government of Serbia, received on 04.08.2015)
Sweden (Source: Government of Sweden, received on 19.01.2015)
Slovak (Source: Government of Slovakia, received on 21.05.2015)
Slovenian (Source: Government of Slovenia, received on 18.02.2015)
Spanish (Source: Government of Spain, received on 29.04.2015)
Turkish (Source: Government of Turkey, received on 29.09.2015)
Scarica questo file (24 Instructions in writing Bulgarian ADR 2015.pdf)24 Instructions in writing Bulgarian ADR 2015
BU245 kB1970
Scarica questo file (23 Instructions in writing Estonian ADR 2015.pdf)23 Instructions in writing Estonian ADR 2015
ES104 kB1671
Scarica questo file (22 Instructions in writing Turkish ADR 2015.pdf)22 Instructions in writing Turkish ADR 2015
TU357 kB1813
Scarica questo file (21 Instructions in writing Greek ADR 2015.pdf)21 Instructions in writing Greek ADR 2015
GR294 kB1330
Scarica questo file (20 Instructions in writing Netherlands ADR 2015.pdf)20 Instructions in writing Netherlands ADR 2015
NE115 kB1506
Scarica questo file (19 Instructions in writing Serbian ADR 2015.pdf)19 Instructions in writing Serbian ADR 2015
SRB227 kB1152
Scarica questo file (18 Instructions in writing Lithuanian ADR 2015.pdf)18 Instructions in writing Lithuanian ADR 2015
LI107 kB1359
Scarica questo file (17 Instructions in writing Hungarian ADR 2015.pdf)17 Instructions in writing Hungarian ADR 2015
HU441 kB1290
Scarica questo file (16 Instructions in writing Polish ADR 2015.pdf)16 Instructions in writing Polish ADR 2015
PO445 kB1218
Scarica questo file (15 Instructions in writing Finnish ADR 2015.pdf)15 Instructions in writing Finnish ADR 2015
FI103 kB1336
Scarica questo file (14 Instructions in writing Portoguese ADR 2015.pdf)14 Instructions in writing Portoguese ADR 2015
PT307 kB1395
Scarica questo file (13 Instructions in writing Slovak ADR 2015.pdf)13 Instructions in writing Slovak ADR 2015
SL470 kB1301
Scarica questo file (12 Instructions in writing Spanish ADR 2015.pdf)12 Instructions in writing Spanish ADR 2015
ES107 kB1539
Scarica questo file (00 Tremcards IT_2015.pdf)00 Istruzioni Scritte Italia ADR 2015
IT154 kB4772
Scarica questo file (11 Instructions in writing Slovenian ADR 2015.pdf)11 Instructions in writing Slovenian ADR 2015
Sl115 kB1497
Scarica questo file (10 Instructions in writing Swedish ADR 2015.pdf)10 Instructions in writing Swedish ADR 2015
SE261 kB1417
Scarica questo file (09 Instructions in writing Russian ADR 2015.pdf)09 Instructions in writing Russian ADR 2015
RU1763 kB1523
Scarica questo file (08 Instructions in writing Latvian ADR 2015.pdf)08 Instructions in writing Latvian ADR 2015
LT123 kB1569
Scarica questo file (07 Instructions in writing  Romanian ADR 2015.pdf)07 Instructions in writing Romanian ADR 2015
RO235 kB1379
Scarica questo file (06 Instructions in writing German ADR 2015.pdf)06 Instructions in writing German ADR 2015
DE132 kB1398
Scarica questo file (05 Instructions in writing Norwegian 2015.pdf)05 Instructions in writing Norwegian 2015
NO319 kB1933
Scarica questo file (04 Instructions in writing Danish ADR 2015.pdf)04 Instructions in writing Danish ADR 2015
DA105 kB1383
Scarica questo file (03 Instructions in writing Dutch Belgium ADR 2015.pdf)03 Instructions in writing Dutch Belgium ADR 2015
Dutch Belgium
BE183 kB1451
Scarica questo file (02 Instructions in writing French ADR 2015.pdf)02 Instructions in writing French ADR 2015
FR124 kB1515
Scarica questo file (01 Instructions in writing English ADR 2015.pdf)01 Instructions in writing English ADR 2015
EN154 kB1925

Tags: Merci Pericolose Tremcards

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