UNI EN 12312-8:2018 | Attrezzature servizi aeroportuali di rampa
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UNI EN 12312-8:2018
Attrezzature per servizi aeroportuali di rampa - Requisiti specifici - Parte 8: Scale e piattaforme di manutenzione o servizio
Questo documento specifica i requisiti tecnici per ridurre al minimo i rischi elencati nella clausola 4 che possono sorgere durante la messa in servizio, il funzionamento e la manutenzione di scale o piattaforme di manutenzione o servizio quando usati come previsto, compreso l'uso improprio ragionevolmente prevedibile dal produttore, quando effettuata in secondo le specifiche fornite dal produttore o dal suo rappresentante autorizzato. Prende anche in considerazione alcuni requisiti riconosciuti come essenziali dalle autorità, dai produttori di velivoli e di attrezzature di supporto a terra (GSE), nonché dalle compagnie aeree e dalle agenzie di movimentazione.
Queste macchine sono progettate per essere utilizzate come apparecchiature di supporto a terra per aeromobili con l'uso previsto per servire gli aeromobili in condizioni esterne sul piazzale. Possono anche essere usati all'interno degli hangar. L'uso di tali apparecchiature per operazioni non in combinazione con gli aeromobili non è definito come uso previsto al loro interno. A causa delle buone condizioni operative sul piazzale, le deviazioni da alcune clausole della EN 280 sono state ritenute accettabili.
La presente norma europea si applica a:
b) scale di manutenzione o piattaforme di servizio trainabili dotate di mezzi motorizzati, ad es. per regolazione in altezza, stabilizzatori;
progettato per scopi di manutenzione o di servizio dell'aeromobile, compreso l'accesso all'aeromobile.
Data entrata in vigore: 06 settembre 2018
Recepisce: EN 12312-8:2018
Sostituisce: UNI EN 12312-8:2010
In Allegato Preview EN 12312-8:2018 riservato Abbonati.
EN 12312-8:2018 - Aircraft ground support equipment - Specific requirements - Part 8: Maintenance or service stairs and platforms
Data entrata in vigore: 15 agosto 2018
This document specifies the technical requirements to minimize the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, the operation and the maintenance of maintenance or service stairs and platforms when used as intended, including misuse reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer, when carried out in accordance with the specifications given by the manufacturer or his authorized representative. It also takes into account some requirements recognized as essential by authorities, aircraft and ground support equipment (GSE) manufacturers as well as airlines and handling agencies.
These machines are designed to be used as aircraft ground support equipment with the intended use to serve aircraft in outdoor conditions on the apron. They can also be used indoors at hangars.
The use of such equipment for operations not in conjunction with aircraft is not defined as intended use therein. Due to the good operational conditions on the apron, deviations from some clauses of EN 280 were deemed acceptable.
This European Standard applies to:
a) self-propelled fixed or adjustable maintenance or service stairs and elevating platforms;
b) towable maintenance or service stairs and platforms equipped with powered means, e.g. for height adjustment, stabilizers;
designed for aircraft maintenance or service purposes including access to the aircraft.
NOTE 1 Powered will be also understood as manual effort stored in springs or hydraulic accumulators, etc., the dangerous action of which can be produced or can continue after the manual effort has ceased or directly applied manual effort for lifting or lowering loads.
NOTE 2 Those clauses of this standard that can apply can also be used as a guideline for the design of towable maintenance or service stairs and platforms without powered means.
This European Standard does not apply to:
c) maintenance docks either fixed to the ground or moveable only for docking procedure;
d) ground support equipment specifically intended, built and equipped with a fluid system for aircraft de-icing and anti-icing (see EN 12312 6);
NOTE 3 This does not prevent aircraft de-icers meeting the requirements of EN 12312 6 from being used as a means of access for aircraft maintenance, e.g. windshield cleaning, etc.
e) mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) used at the airports for purposes other than aircraft maintenance, e.g. buildings and facilities (see EN 280).
No extra requirements on noise and vibration are provided other than those given in EN 1915 3 and EN 1915 4.
NOTE 4 EN 1915 3 and EN 1915 4 provide the general GSE vibration and noise requirements.
This European Standard does not deal with hazards in respect to a standard automotive chassis and from other vehicles on the apron.
This part of EN 12312 is not applicable to maintenance or service stairs and platforms which are manufactured before the date of publication of this standard by CEN.
This part of EN 12312 when used in conjunction with EN 1915 1, EN 1915 2, EN 1915 3 and EN 1915 4 provides the requirements for maintenance or service stairs and platforms.
1.2 Classification
For the purposes of this document, mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) used for aircraft maintenance access are divided into two main groups A and B. In addition, group C is considered as described in c) hereafter:
a) Group A: MEWPs where the vertical projection of the centre of the platform area is always inside the tipping lines.
NOTE 1 See 5.2 hereafter for the specific requirements applying to Group A MEWPs.
b) Group B: MEWPs where the vertical projection of the centre of the platform area may be outside the tipping lines.
NOTE 2 See 5.3 hereafter for the specific requirements applying to Group B MEWPs.
c) Group C consists of maintenance or service access stairs, where persons are not elevated by the machine but climb a flight of steps (...)
Fonte: UNI
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