Handbook for the Introduction of BIM by the European Public Sector
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Handbook for the Introduction of Building Information Modelling by the European Public Sector
Strategic action for construction sector performance: driving value, innovation and growth
EUBIM Task Group - CE 2017
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is at the centre of a digital transformation of the construction sector and the built environment.
Governments and public procurers across Europe and around the world are recognising the value of BIM as a strategic enabler for cost, quality and policy goals. Many are taking proactive steps to foster the use of BIM in their construction sectors and public asset delivery and operations to secure these economic, environmental and social benefits.
This handbook responds to the growing challenges faced by governments and public clients to stimulate economic growth and competitiveness while delivering value for public money through the wider introduction of BIM.
This handbook concludes that there is a window of opportunity for harmonising a European wide common strategic approach for the introduction of BIM.
Government policy and public procurement methods are recommended as powerful tools to support this step-change in the sector. Without this top-down leadership, the sector’s low and uneven adoption of information technology is likely to continue which would limit its opportunity to significantly improve productivity and value for money. This is especially true within its large and diverse SME sector.
Governments and public sector organisations can provide leadership to encourage the sector towards the untapped opportunity of digital, and in turn provide better public services and better
value for public money. However, governments cannot do this alone: working together with industry at European and national levels is essential to achieve this digital transformation with due consideration given to commercial models, education, skills development, SMEs and changes to current practices.
The vision is to build together with the private sector a competitive and open digital construction market: one that sets the global standard. This handbook calls for coordinated public sector action across both European and national levels to drive towards this vision.
Finally, this handbook describes the first steps of a digital revolution for the sector that will, over time, require significant adjustment by construction clients and the supply chain. This cannot be achieved overnight and experience has shown that successful BIM adoption strategies recognise the need for a period of adjustment as BIM requirements are increased gradually. This handbook aims to provide the support to enable Governments and public sector clients to transition construction to the digital era.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Purpose of this handbook
1.3 Who is this guide aimed at? 1
1.4 Why is this handbook required? 11
1.5 What is ‘BIM’ to the public sector stakeholder?
1.6 Scope and use of this handbook
2 General Guidance
2.1 The opportunity for leadership and alignment
2.2 The public sector – a driver for innovation
2.3 Value proposition of BIM
2.4 Why provide public leadership to encourage BIM
2.5 Why are public organisations adopting a common approach to BIM
2.6 European common strategic framework and common performance definition of BIM
2.6.1 Strategic framework for public sector BIM programmes
2.6.2 Common performance level for the implementation of BIM
3 Action Recommendations
3.1 Strategic recommendations
3.1.1 Establish public leadership
3.1.2 Communicate vision and foster communities
3.1.3 Build a collaborative framework
3.1.4 Increase industry capacity
3.2 Implementation level recommendations
3.2.1 Policy
3.2.2 Technical
3.2.3 Process
3.2.4 People and Skills
4. Abbreviations
It is produced by the EU BIM Task Group, which gathers the collective experience of public policy makers, public estate owners and infrastructure operators from over twenty European countries to make recommendations to these questions:
- Why have other governments taken action to support and encourage BIM?
- What benefits can be expected?
- How can governments and public clients provide leadership and work with industry?
- Why is public leadership and European alignment critical?
- What is BIM? And what is the common European definition?
What is BIM?
BIM is a digital form of construction and asset operations. It brings together technology, process improvements and digital information to radically improve client and project outcomes and asset operations. BIM is a strategic enabler for improving decision making for both buildings and public infrastructure assets across the whole lifecycle.
It applies to new build projects; and crucially, BIM supports the renovation, refurbishment and maintenance of the built environment – the largest share of the sector.
Fonte: Commisione europea
BIM - Building Information Modeling
Tags: Costruzioni Codice Appalti BIM