Istruzioni Scritte (Tremcards) ADR 2015
Aggiornamento 13.01.2015: in arancio le Tremcards aggiornate
I modelli ufficiali Istruzioni Scritte (Tremcards) ADR 2015 dal 1° Gennaio 2015
Ricordiamo che con l'ADR 2015 le Tremcards sono state modificate.
Allegato all'articolo le Tremcards in lingua rilasciate ad oggi, aggiorneremo i Modelli al rilascio ufficiale sul sito dell'UNECE.
01 |
French |
UNECE Version (Source: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222 and Add.1) |
02 |
English |
UNECE Version (Source: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/222 and Add.1) |
03 |
Danish |
(Source: Government of Denmark, received on 09.12.2014) |
04 |
Dutch |
(Source: Government of Belgium, update received on 10.01.2011) |
05 |
German |
(Source: Government of Germany, received on 14.11.2014/Government of Switzerland, received on 14.11.2014/Government of Austria, received on 24.11.2014) On 14.11.2014 the Government of Switzerland notified that variations in spelling or terminology confirmed by usage in certain German-speaking countries or regions are acceptable and do not affect the validity of the instructions in writing provided they may be understood by the members of the vehicle crew. On 24.11.2014 the Government of Austria notified that variations in spelling or terminology confirmed by usage in certain German-speaking countries or regions are acceptable and do not affect the validity of the instructions in writing provided they may be understood by the members of the vehicle crew. |
06 |
Latvian |
(Source: Government of Latvia, received on 30.12.2014) |
07 |
Norwegian |
(Source: Government of Norway, received on 01.12.2014) |
08 |
Romanian |
(Source: Government of Romania, received on 6.01.2015) |

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