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Generative AI and the EUDPR

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Generative AI and the EUDPR   First EDPS Orientations for EUIs using Generative AI

Generative AI and the EUDPR / First EDPS Orientations for EUIs using Generative AI

ID 22358 | 31.07.2024

First EDPS Orientations for EUIs using Generative AI

The EDPS has published its Orientations on “generative Artificial Intelligence (Regularion (EU) 2024/1689 / ndr) and personal data protection” to provide EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies with practical advice and instructions on the processing of personal data when using generative AI systems, to facilitate their compliance with the requirements of the data protection legal framework.

These EDPS Orientations on generative Artificial Intelligence (generative AI) and personal data protection intend to provide practical advice and instructions to EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (EUIs) on the processing of personal data when using generative AI systems, to facilitate their compliance with their data protection obligations as set out, in particular, in Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

These orientations have been drafted to cover as many scenarios and applications as possible and do not prescribe specific technical measures. Instead, they put an emphasis on the general principles of data protection that should help EUIs comply with the data protection requirements according to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

These orientations are a first step towards more detailed guidance that will take into account the evolution of Generative AI systems and technologies, their use by EUIs, and the results of the EDPS’ monitoring and oversight activities. The EDPS issues these orientations in its role as a data protection supervisory authority and not in its new role as AI supervisory authority under the AI Act.

These orientations are without prejudice to the Artificial Intelligence Act.

EDPS - European Data Protection Supervisor

[box-note]Regolamento (UE) 2024/1689
Regolamento (UE) 2018/1725/box-note]

Scarica questo file (Orientations on generative Artificial Intelligence and personal data protection - EDPS June 2024.pdf)Orientations on generative Artificial Intelligence and personal data protection
EDPS 2024
IT385 kB59

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