Guidance Safety Risk Assessment for Chemical Transport Operations
Risk assessment is an important tool that should be used by companies to manage the risks of their transport operations.
In order to assist companies in carrying out transport risk assessments,Cefic has developed Guidance on Transport Risk Assessment for Chemical Transport Operations.
This Cefic Guidance provides general advice on how the safety and environmental risks of transport operations can be assessed, taking into account already existing best practices.
It should assist chemical and transport companies in identifying transport activities with high potential risks and in implementing risk mitigation measures.
1. Introduction 2. Purpose and objectives 3. Scope 4. General introduction to risk assessment 5. Qualitative risk analysis 5.1 Consequence analysis 5.2 Probability analysis 5.3 Risk matrix 6. Accident scenarios with potential high consequences 6.1 Accident scenarios 6.2 Accident types that can cause scenarios with potential high consequences 6.3 Analysis of scenarios with potential high consequences 7. Quantitative risk analysis 8. Risk mitigation 8.1 Reduction of probability/frequency of occurrence of accidents 8.2 Reduction of potential consequences
Annexes 1. Definition of Technical Terms 2. ADR/RID Packing groups 3. ADR/RID Hazard Identification Numbers (HIN) 4. Overview of accident frequencies 5. Overview of outflow frequencies 6. Examples of qualitative risk analysis and risk mitigation measures applied on accidents that have happened in the past
CEFIC October 2013
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