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ISO 45001:2018 in pubblicazione

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ISO 45001 pubblication

ISO/FDIS 45001:2018 pubblicazione prevista il 12 marzo 2018

Update 12 Marzo 2018, Fonte ISO

ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use, è stata pubblicata il 12 marzo 2018.

pubblicazione ISO450012018
Maggiori info:

Update 23 Febbraio 2018, Fonte ISO

ISO ha previsto come data di pubblicazione, della ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use, il 12 marzo 2018.

ISO 12 marzo 2018

Update 27 Gennaio 2018, Fonte ISO

Il 27 Gennaio 2018, è stata chiusa positivamente la votazione per l'approvazione dell'ISO/FDIS 45001:2017 (Final Draft International Standard), il documento è ora pronto per la pubblicazione come Standards ISO prevista per il mese di marzo 2018.

Il progetto è stato approvato con un totale di 62 voti positivi, 4 voti negativi e 9 astensioni (tra cui quella italiana).
Sono 21 i Paesi che hanno avanzato dei commenti editoriali. Commenti che il Gruppo di lavoro esaminerà nelle prossime settimane in vista della pubblicazione finale del documento che, nelle intenzioni dell'ISO, dovrebbe avvenire nel prossimo mese di marzo.

Lo standard sarà codificato come: 

ISO 45001:2018
Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use

AENOR 2018-01-25

The Final Draft of the Standard (FDIS) ISO 45001 has been approved by the ISO Committee PC 283. It is the first Occupational Health and Safety Management System standard and it is due to be published in March of this year. This document will be available in Spanish, English and French on the AENOR website.

This now concludes the work carried out over the last 5 years by 100 experts from 70 countries, including experts representing Spain from the Spanish Association for Standardisation - UNE.

The main advances include the strengthening of the senior management's role in leading the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, as a relevant part of its business strategy. Similarly, it presents a high-level structure common to the most widely-used management documents in the world, such as ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment).

The publication of this standard is expected to result in the cancellation of the OHSAS 18001 standard. Therefore, companies with this benchmark certification will have a deadline of three years to wrap up migration to ISO 45001. At present, organisations from 130 countries around the globe have successfully applied the OHSAS 18001 standard.

For further information on the ISO 45001 and its relationship with OHSAS 18001, please see the attached document.

La timeline aggiornata ISO:

ISO 45001

 Publication stage (60)

At this stage the secretary submits the final document for publication through the Submission Interface. But if the standard has passed through the Approval stage, the secretary may submit the project leader’s responses to member body comments on the FDIS.

Only editorial corrections are made to the final text. It is published by the ISO Central Secretariat as an International Standard.

Committee secretaries and project leaders get a two-week sign off period before the standard is published 

Final Draft International Standard (FDIS)

The FDIS is circulated to the National Committees for a two-month voting period. Each National Committee's vote must be explicit: positive, negative or abstention.

No comments are allowed with a positive vote. 

An FDIS is approved if:

- 2/3 majority of P-members voting approve and if
- Less than 25% of all votes submitted are negative.

If the document is approved, it progresses to the final publication stage.

If the document is not approved, it is referred back to the TC or SC to be reconsidered.

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Tags: Sicurezza lavoro ISO 45001

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