
Guidance for reporting on the icca globally harmonized process safety metric

ID 4615 | | Visite: 6374 | Documenti Chemicals EntiPermalink:

Guidance for reporting on the icca globally harmonized process safety metric

This new guidance is based on a global ICCA guidance and introduces universally applicable process safety Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

It became effective September 2016. During a period of four years all chemical associations are requested to host national workshops in order to roll out this new guidance in their respective countries. Reporting of these new process safety KPIs has to be established by 2020. This new set of process safety KPIs ensures the transition from lagging to leading indicators as it captures process safety incidents at very low levels already. This is to ensure an increasing awareness of possible trends long before more significant incidents may happen – and to react accordingly.

Overview of ICCA Process Safety Event Criteria as a Flow Chart


Scarica questo file (Excel Template for Template for Reporting
CEFIC 2016
IT23 kB891
Scarica questo file (Guidance on Process Safety Performance Indicators - Cefic - ICCA.pdf)Guidance on Process Safety Performance Indicators
Cefic - ICCA 2016
EN813 kB1686
Scarica questo file (Guidance on Process Safety Performance Indicators - ICCA.pdf)Guidance on Process Safety Performance Indicators
ICCA 2016
EN1108 kB2234

Tags: Chemicals Safety