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Structure of Technical Documentation (Medical Devices)

ID 11637 | | Visite: 4228 | Documenti Riservati Marcatura CEPermalink:

Structure Technical Documentation Medical Devices

Structure of Technical Documentation (Medical Devices)

ID 11637 | 28.09.2020

- Note Technical Documentation Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR)
- Example Structure Model Rev. 1.0 sept. 2020

The following structure is based on Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) but is also suitable for technical documentation according to Directive 93/42/EEC.

1. Device description and specification

1.1. General description of the device, its variants and its intended purpose
1.1.1. Name and address of the manufacturer
1.1.2. Overview of devices/ device groups/device types e.g. table with designation and reference to the REF number, including UDI-DI (if applicable)
1.1.3. All trade names under which the device is placed on the market
1.1.4. Description and specifications of the device including its intended purpose, indication(s), contraindication(s) and warnings, the intended patient group and the medical conditions to be diagnosed/treated/monitored
1.1.5. UMDNS/GMDN classification (if applicable)
1.1.6. Technical specifications of the device, such as characteristics, dimensions and performance attributes of the device
1.1.7. Variants/components/configurations and accessories of the device
1.1.8. Exact software version (if applicable)
1.1.9. Explanations of new characteristics and new intended purposes/indications

1.2. UDI (as soon as implemented or obligatory)
Description of the basis-UDI-DI, taking into account all variants covered by the technical documentation
Until the complete implementation of the UDI requirements at least a clear representation of all variants covered by the TD (sizes, forms, coatings, etc.).

1.3. Designation / Classification
Justification for the designation as a medical device and description of the classification of the device including justification for on the applied classification rule(s), exact identification of the applied indent, statement for the classification

1.4. Declaration of Conformity (DoC)
DoC according to Annex IV MDR or according to MDD (considering EK-MED-Beschluss 3.9 A4). For initial certifications (e.g. MDR) the DoC has to be filed in draft status.

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Certifico Srl - IT | Rev. 0.0 2020
©Copia autorizzata Abbonati


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Allegato riservato Technical file Medical device - Note.pdf
Certifico S.r.l. Rev. 00 2020
400 kB 46
Allegato riservato Structure Technical Documentation Medical Devices.docx
Certifico Srl - Rev. 0.0 2020
38 kB 29
Allegato riservato Structure Technical Documentation Medical Devices.pdf
Certifico Srl - Rev. 0.0 2020
355 kB 42

Tags: Marcatura CE Abbonati Marcatura CE Regolamento Dispositivi Medici

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