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Guide to identify non-road mobile machinery and engines

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Guide NRMM FEM 2019

Guide to identify non-road mobile machinery and engines compliant with Reg. (EU) 2016/1628

FEM, April 2019

FEM, together with its partner industry associations CECE, CEMA, EUROMOT, EGMF and EUnited Municipal Equipment developed a joint Guidance document intended to support market surveillance authorities in verifying compliance with the requirements of the Stage V Regulation (EU) 2016/1628.

The document is primarily focused on interpreting the main requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628, to assist authorities in identifying compliant Stage V engines and transition engines, as well as compliant machines equipped with Stage V engines or transition engines. Moreover, the Guide provides details on the documentation required to demonstrate compliance (engine exhaust emissions statement of conformity, type-approval certificate), as well as the obligations of all economic operators involved in the supply chain of engines and machines.

This document reflects the common view of the associations involved in the drafting, with regard to the legal provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 and its supplementary legislation, and it must not be considered or intended as a legally binding text for any reason whatsoever.

This document is a living document; its content could be modified or updated by the associations involved without prior notification or approval, based on updates of the legislation and/or according to their understanding on the matter.

The associations accept no responsibility for the recommendations, advice, statements and conclusions expressed or implied in this document and give no warranty, representation or assurance with respect to the accuracy or validity of the same.

Only the text of the Regulation and of the relevant supplementing legislation is authentic in law. Accordingly, in case of discrepancies between the content and interpretation of this document and the text of the legislation (Regulation and the relevant supplementing legislation), the legislation shall be applied.


1. Scope of this guide
1.1 Engines and types of machinery covered by this guide
1.2 Agricultural and forestry tractors
2. What may be placed on the market?
2.1 Stage V engines and machines
2.2 Transition engines
2.3 Machines with transition engines
2.4 Separate shipment
2.5 Second-hand engines or second-hand machines imported in the European Union
2.6 Replacement engines
2.7 Other exempt engines
3. Typical engine applications
4. How to identify compliant Stage V and transition engines
4.1 Stage V engines
4.2 Transition engines
5. How to identify compliant machines
6. Documentation 18
6.1 Engine exhaust emission statement of conformity
6.2 Type-approval certificate
7. Obligations
8. List of market surveillance authorities, approval authorities and technical services
9. Bibliography
10. Contacts
Annex I – Placing on the market of an engine or machine 
Annex II – Replacement Engines
Annex III – Exemptions
Annex IV – Transition engines and machines
Annex V – In service fuel

Fonte: FEM


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FEM April 2019
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