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Guide to safeguarding common machinery and plant

ID 176 | | Visite: 11264 | Documenti Marcatura CE ENTIPermalink:

Guide to safeguarding common machinery and plant 

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland


The Guide to safeguarding common machinery and plant has been developed to help people conducting a business or undertaking (including employers and self-employed people) and workers to ensure common machinery and plant in the workplace is safe and without risk to health and safety.

This guide raises awareness of a range of hazards associated with common machinery and plant, as well as risks that may result from these types of hazards. Practical advice is provided in relation to the methods that can be used to safeguard common machinery and plant in the workplace, and advice on how to select and implement the appropriate safeguards.

This is achieved by using a risk management approach whereby hazards are identified, the degreen of risk of each hazard is assessed, control measures are identified and implemented and finally, monitoring and review of the effectiveness of the chosen control measures is performed.

It should be noted that the information contained in this document is intended for guidance only, and that there may be additional hazards and subsequent risks at your workplace which have not been specifically addressed in this guide.

You are still required under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 to identify and assess these risks and ensure that appropriate control measures are implemented and reviewed to prevent or minimise exposure to these risks.

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

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