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Study to support the Impact Assessment digital labelling for EU fertilising products

ID 19260 | | Visite: 986 | Regolamento fertilizzantiPermalink:

Study to support the Impact Assessment on the use of digital labelling for EU fertilising products

Study to support the Impact Assessment on the use of digital labelling for EU fertilising products

ID 19260 | 20.03.2023

This study provides input for the Impact Assessment accompanying an initiative to introduce voluntary digital labelling for EU Fertilising Products under the Fertilising Products Regulation (EU) No 2019/1009, with a view to improving the communication of essential information and achieving cost-efficiency for industry.

Key issues assessed were the increased costs for industry arising from having to provide more information on the label, linked with frequent changes in such information, unnecessary duplication of labels and different stakeholder needs.

The study found that digital labelling tools were already widely used and that an appetite for increased digitalisation exists. Policy options were developed and assessed, and a relatively cautious approach was proposed, which although not maximising efficiency costs and benefits, bore in mind concerns of stakeholders with regards to the need to see information regarding safety, use, storage and agronomic efficiency on the physical label. The study methodology employed extensive data collection tools. However, often data were missing or not very robust.


Fonte: EC


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EC 15.03.2023
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Tags: Chemicals Abbonati Chemicals Regolamento fertilizzanti

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