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Regolamento (UE) 2016/425 DPI - Documento orientativo su disposizioni transitorie

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PPE EC 2017

Regolamento (UE) 2016/425 DPI - Documento orientativo su disposizioni transitorie

Commissione Europea 07.12.207

Documento di orientamento sull'attuazione dell'articolo 47 sulle disposizioni transitorie per l'immissione sul mercato di DPI già marcati CE ai sensi della Direttiva 89/686/CEE.

Regolamento (UE) 2016/425

Articolo 47 Disposizioni transitorie

1. Fatto salvo il paragrafo 2, gli Stati membri non ostacolano la messa a disposizione sul mercato dei prodotti contemplati dalla direttiva 89/686/CEE conformi a tale direttiva e immessi sul mercato anteriormente al 21 aprile 2019.
2. Gli attestati di certificazione CE e le approvazioni rilasciati a norma della direttiva 89/686/CEE rimangono validi fino al 21 aprile 2023, salvo che non scadano prima di tale data.


Regulation (EU) 2016/425 on personal protective equipment (herewith referred to as 'the Regulation') was published in the Official Journal of the European Union of 31 March 2016 and entered into force on the 20th day following this publication, i.e. on 20 April 2016.

However, the Regulation will be fully applicable from 21 April 2018, with the exception of Articles 20 to 36, on notification of conformity assessment bodies, and of Article 44, on Committee procedure, which apply from October 2016. In addition, Article 45 on penalties applies from 21 March 2018.

In addition to the entry into force and application, the Regulation makes provision for a transition period. Article 47 of the Regulation sets down that 'Member States shall not impede the making available on the market of products covered by Directive 89/686/EEC which are in conformity with that Directive and which were placed on the market before 21 April 2019.

Article 47  lays down that 'EC type-examination certificates and approval decisions issued under Directive 89/686/EEC shall remain valid until 21 April 2023 unless they expire before that date'.

The transitional period has raised a number of questions and doubts by market surveillance authorities of the Member States on how to practically implement those provisions, in particular with respect to the validity of EC type-examination certificates.

The following considerations, which have the support of the Member States and stakeholders that are represented in the PPE working group, are intended to guide a uniform practise throughout the Internal Market.

II. Questions relating to the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/425

II.1. Transitional period for PPE

II.2. Compliance of PPE with the new Regulation 

II.3. Validity of certificates

Fonte Commissione Europea


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