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Review for a Regulation (EU) 305/2011 (CPR)

ID 16274 | | Visite: 3182 | News Marcatura CEPermalink:

Review CPR   March 2022

Review for a Regulation (EU) 305/2011 (CPR)

ID 16274 | 30.03.2022 / In allegato Proposta 2022 

Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Regulation (EU) 305/2011

- COM(2022) 144 - Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Regulation (EU) 305/2011
- COM(2022) 144 - ANNEX - Annex to the Proposal
- SWD(2022) 88 - Impact assessment accompanying the Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Regulation (EU) 305/2011
- SWD(2022) 89 - Executive summary of the impact assessment

The main objective of the Construction Products Regulation has been to foster a smooth functioning of the internal market for construction products, through providing for a common technical language, based predominantly on harmonised standards. The CPR ensures that reliable information is available to professionals, public authorities, and consumers, so they can compare the performance of construction products from different manufacturers in different EU Member States. Standards provide a common basis for testing and communicating the performance of construction products, allowing manufacturers to prepare a single declaration of performance (DoP) for their products, affix the CE mark and eventually put their products on the EU internal market.

The evaluation of the CPR, as well as feedback received from the Member States and stakeholders point clearly to the underperformance of the framework, hindering the functioning of the single market for the construction products, and so failing to achieve the CPR’s objectives. This, together with the need for the construction sector to contribute to the European Green Deal objectives of transforming towards a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, are the main underlying reasons for the Commission to consider a revision of the framework.

The framework’s underperformance is due to a number of overarching issues with regard to the functioning of the CPR, as identified in the evaluation.

The main problems are:

Problem 1: Internal market for construction products not achieved
Problem 2: Implementation challenges at national level
Problem 3: Complexity of the legal framework /simplification not achieved
Problem 4: Inability of the current CPR to deliver on broader policy priorities, particularly the green and digital transition


Revised Construction Products Regulation

Construction ecosystem

The construction industry is one of the most important to the EU economy. It drives economic growth, creates many new jobs, and provides solutions for social, climate and energy challenges. It has played a crucial part in the post-pandemic economic recovery, with important public and private investments. However, the internal market for construction products is far from complete, undermining efficiency and resilience. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with the risk of supply chain disruptions, further strengthening the resilience of the construction ecosystem is all the more essential.

Revised CPR   1

Revised CPR   2

Environmental and climate impact of the construction ecosystem

Construction is one of the most resource-intensive sectors of the economy. A circular economy approach is therefore crucial to enhance its sustainability. Reducing emissions in the construction sector is essential to reach climate neutrality, especially by promoting energy efficiency and accelerating the renovation rate in buildings.

Revised CPR   3


Achieving the EU’s climate neutrality and circular economy objectives also require a more sustainable and better functioning market for construction products.

€ 275 billion of additional investments annually needed for buildings renovation to achieve the EU’s 55% climate target by 2030.

Key objectives of the new rules

- Improve the functioning of the internal market for construction products and respond to Member States’ regulatory needs, by addressing shortcomings in the current rules.
- Enhance the sustainability of construction products and contribute to the objectives of the green and digital transition of our economy.
- Introduce product requirements for construction products to improve the protection of health, safety and the environment, in line with new Ecodesign for Sustainable Product Regulation.

Revised CPR   4

Sustainable design and production of construction products

New product requirements will ensure that the design and manufacture of construction products is based on state of the art to make these more:

- durable
- repairable
- recyclable
- easier to re-manufacture


Fonte: EC


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