Minimum health for the protection of mental health in the workplace
ID 19761 | | Visite: 742 | Documenti Sicurezza UE | Permalink: |
Minimum health and safety requirements for the protection of mental health in the workplace
ID | 07.06.2023
The study focuses on the analysis of national legislation and best practices across the EU Member States that address health and safety requirements for the protection of mental health at work.
The study reveals that efforts at EU and national level are currently insufficient to protect employees from psychosocial risks. EU-level legislation on work-related psychosocial risks is therefore needed to set the minimum health and safety requirements for mental health at work. This would compel Member States to take action to protect employees and to ensure minimum standards and equality across the EU.
This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL).
Fonte: European Parliament
Metodologia valutazione rischio stress lavoro-correlato - settore sanitario
Strumenti prevenzione del rischio stress da lavoro correlato cooperative
Lista di controllo Stress Lavoro-Correlato
Stress da lavoro: Modello Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ)
Tags: Sicurezza lavoro