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EN 16985:2018 | Requisiti di sicurezza cabine di verniciatura

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EN 169852018 Requisiti di sicurezza cabine di verniciatura

EN 16985:2018 | Requisiti di sicurezza cabine di verniciatura 

UNI EN 16985:2019 - Cabine di verniciatura per materiali di rivestimento organici - Requisiti di sicurezza

Data entrata in vigore: 31 gennaio 2019

La norma tratta tutti i pericoli significativi, le situazioni e gli eventi pericolosi relativi alle cabine di verniciatura per l’applicazione di materiali di rivestimento liquidi organici quando sono utilizzati come previsto e nelle condizioni previste dal fabbricante, compreso l’utilizzo improprio ragionevolmente prevedibile

Recepisce: EN 16985:2018

Sostituisce: UNI EN 12981:2009
UNI EN 13355:2009
UNI EN 12215:2010


In allegato Preview EN 16985:2018 riservato Abbonati

EN 16985:2018 Spray booths for organic coating material - Safety requirements

This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations aThis European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous events relevant to spray booths for the application of organic liquid and powder coating materials, when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer, including reasonably foreseeable misuse. See Annex A for significant hazards. Interfaces between spray booths and other machinery used in coating application are given in Figure 1.

The specific significant risks related to the use of this machinery with foodstuff and pharmaceutical products are not dealt with in this standard. The specific significant risks related to drying operation of combined spraying and drying booths are not dealt with in this standard, but in EN 1539:2015.

This European Standard is not applicable to:

- spaces for application of organic coating material consisting only of an extraction wall;
- platforms attached to spray booths (e.g. for touch-up jobs);
- flock booths (see EN 50223:2015);
- spray booths with airflow from vertical inlet to horizontal extraction or from horizontal inlet to vertical extraction.

This European Standard is not applicable to machinery manufactured before the date of its publication as European Standard.


Fonte: UNI


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