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ISO 20553:2025

ID 23316 | | Visite: 270 | News NormazionePermalink:

ISO 20553 2025

ISO 20553:2025

ID 23316 | 17.01.2025 / Preview attached

ISO 20553:2025
Radiation protection - Monitoring of workers occupationally exposed to a risk of internal contamination with radioactive material

This document specifies the minimum requirements for the design of programmes to monitor workers exposed to the risk of internal contamination by radioactive material and establishes principles for the development of compatible goals and requirements for monitoring programmes.

This document specifies the

a) purposes of monitoring and monitoring programmes,
b) description of the different categories of monitoring programmes,
c) quantitative criteria for conducting monitoring programmes,
d) suitable monitoring methods and criteria for their selection,
e) information that has to be collected for the design of a monitoring programme,
f) general requirements for monitoring programmes (e.g. detection limits, tolerated uncertainties),
g) frequencies of measurements calculated using the ICRP Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides (OIR) series,
h) individual monitoring in specific cases (intake of actinides, intake via a wound and intake through the intact skin),
i) quality assurance, and
j) documentation, reporting and record-keeping.

This document does not apply to

- the monitoring of exposure to radon and its radioactive decay products,
- detailed descriptions of measuring methods and techniques,
- detailed procedures for in vivo measurements and in vitro analysis,
- interpretation of measurements results in terms of dose,
- biokinetic data and mathematical models for converting measured activities into absorbed dose, equivalent dose and effective dose,
- the investigation of the causes or implications of an exposure or intake.


Fonte: ISO

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