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ANSI B11.0-2020 Safety of Machinery

ID 18193 | | Visite: 2573 | News NormazionePermalink:

ANSI B11 0 2020

ANSI B11.0-2020 Safety of Machinery

ID 18193 | 27.11.2022 / Preview in allegato

This type-A standard applies to new, existing, modified or rebuilt power driven machines, not portable by hand while working, that are used to process materials by cutting; forming; pressure; electrical, thermal or optical techniques; lamination; or a combination of these processes. This includes associated equipment used to transfer material or tooling, including fixtures, to assemble/disassemble, and to inspect or test. The associated equipment, including logic controller(s) and associated software or logic together with the machine actuators and sensors, are considered a part of the industrial machinery. Contains B11.TR3 in its entirety.


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