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Dangerous Goods Check list / Documentation 60th IATA DGR 2019

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60th IATA DGR 2019 check list

Dangerous Goods Check list / Documentation 60th IATA DGR 2019

Check list for Non-Radioactive, Radioactive, Dry Ice Shipment

The 60th edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations incorporates all amendments made by the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel in developing the content of the 2019–2020 edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions as well as changes adopted by the IATA Dangerous Goods Board. The following list is intended to assist the user to identify the main changes introduced in this edition and must not be considered an exhaustive listing. The changes have been prefaced by the section or subsection in which the change occurs.

Checklists / Documentation for the 60th Edition

1. Non-Radioactive Checklist
2. Radioactive Checklist
3. Dry Ice Checklist
4. Safety risk assessment-1st edition IATA
5. Three accidents involving lithium batteries IATA
6. Lithium battery risk mitigation guidance-2nd edition IATA
7. Guideline lithium battery shipping IATA EN
8. Significant changes DGR 60 IATA EN
9. Guidance on the air transport of Batteries, nickel-metal hydride UN3496


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