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The EUROCODES and Costruction Products

ID 2419 | | Visite: 6815 | EurocodiciPermalink:

The EUROCODES and Costruction Products

The use of Eurocodes for CE Marking of products according to the CPR 305/2011.

When the product properties to be declared for CE Marking are obtained from calculations, three methods are foreseen:

1. Indication of geometrical data of the component/kit and of properties of the materials and constituent products. The information on the geometrical data and properties of materials enable the structural component to be designed, using the Eurocodes, for verifying its adequacy in construction works.

2. Determination of properties by means of the Eurocodes, with the results expressed as characteristic or design values. This is the prime method that uses the Eurocodes to determine the mechanical resistance and resistance to fire of a construction product.

3. A structural component or kit is produced in accordance with the design details prepared by the designer of the work (based on harmonised calculation methods, i.e., Eurocodes) or following the provisions of the client’s order.

The performance values of the products declared with the CE Marking are used as input for the calculations needed to design a structure according to the Eurocodes.

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