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Stress lavoro correlato, lanciata a Bruxelles la campagna biennale 2014-2015

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Stress lavoro correlato, lanciata a Bruxelles la campagna biennale 2014-2015

Presentata a Bruxelles dall’Agenzia europea per la sicurezza e la salute sul lavoro (EU-OSHA) la nuova campagna biennale europea sui rischi psicosociali: “Insieme per la prevenzione e la gestione dello stress lavoro correlato” .

ROMA - Secondo gli ultimi dati a disposizione emersi da un recente sondaggio d’opinione EU-OSHA, il 51% dei lavoratori europei afferma che lo stress lavoro correlato è molto presente nel proprio ambiente di lavoro. Inoltre, 4 lavoratori su 10 ritengono che non venga adeguatamente affrontato e gestito all’interno della loro azienda.

Numeri che danno l’idea di come la diffusione dello stress lavorativo nel Vecchio Continente abbia raggiunto livelli di allarme. Per offrire un solido contributo in termini di conoscenza scientifica del fenomeno e per incoraggiare imprese ed addetti a gestire e a prevenire con successo questa emergenza, l’Agenzia EU-OSHA lancia la nuova campagna 2014-2015 "Insieme per la prevenzione e la gestione dello stress lavoro correlato".

The key task of the 2014/15 campaign, ‘Healthy workplaces manage stress’, israising awareness of stress and psychosocial risks in the workplace and encouraging employers, managers and workers and their representatives to work together to manage those risks.

The Campaign Guide presents the main principles and objectives of the campaign. It includes definitions of stress and psychosocial risks, and contains useful facts and figures to help you in your awareness-raising activities.

Tackling stress and psychosocial risks creates a healthy work environment, improves worker well-being and business performance. To promote these outcomes, the main focuses of the campaign are:

- To raise awareness of the growing problem of work-related stress and psychosocial risks.
- To provide and promote the use of simple, practical tools and guidance for managing psychosocial risks and stress in the workplace.
- To highlight the positive effects of managing psychosocial risks and stress in the workplace, including the business case.

The Campaign Guide explains the background to the problem and why it is so important to tackle it.

It outlines the warning signs and how to prevent and manage psychosocial risks, providing information on resources and support. Finally, as participation is key to the success of the campaign, there is lots of inspiration and ideas for getting involved.

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Tags: Sicurezza lavoro Rischio stress lavoro-correlato

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