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Cancer risks in the workplace: better regulation, stronger protection

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Cancer risks in the workplace: better regulation, stronger protection

In the context of the announced revision of the directive on carcinogenic substances, this publication reviews the limitations of the existing legislation and outlines the priorities for its reform.

It considers the key aspects of this issue:

  • the setting of threshold limit values for workplace exposure
  • the risks these substances pose to reproduction
  • the relation between the employment legislation on protection for workers and the dictates of the market

This publication puts forward a comprehensive approach which presents an alternative as part of the agenda for ‘better regulation’.

ETUI 2016



Scarica questo file (Cancer Risks ETUI 2016.pdf)Cancer Risks ETUI 2016
ETUI 2016
EN753 kB1104

Tags: Sicurezza lavoro Rischio chimico

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