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Electromagnetic fields in working life. A guide to risk assessment

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Electromagnetic fields in working life.

A guide to risk assessment

This guide is aimed at employers, trade union representatives and, of course, workers potentially exposed to electromagnetic fields. It is also designed as an aid to understanding the new EU Directive on occupational exposure to EMFs (2013/35 EU), which will enter into force in 2016.

The Guide presents an overview of occupational exposure to electromagnetic field according to frequency: static fields, low, intermediate and radio frequencies.

It focuses on certain occupations, on risk assessment and on the determination of exposure, which needs to be done according to the general provisions of EU Directive OSH “Framework Directive” 89/391/EEC. A specific chapter is dedicated to workers who face particular risks, e.g., persons with medical implants, pregnant women or persons taking certain medications.

Last but no least, the guide also presents recommendations as to how a precautionary approach can help to reduce high exposure.

2015 - ETUI

Direttiva 2013/35/UE: EMC lavoro

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Allegato riservato Guide EMF up-dated version 19 June 2015.pdf
Electromagnetic fields in working life. A guide to risk assessment
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Tags: Sicurezza lavoro Rischio EMC lavoro

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