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Healthy workplaces: a model for action

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Healthy workplaces a model for action

Healthy workplaces: a model for action

ID 21679 | 11.04.2024

Healthy workplaces: a model for action - For employers, workers, policymakers and practitioners

Workers’ health, safety and well-being are vital concerns to hundreds of millions of working people worldwide. But the issue extends even further beyond individuals and their families. It is of paramount importance to the productivity, competitiveness and sustainability of enterprises, communities, and to national and regional economies.

Currently, an estimated two million people die each year as a result of occupational accidents and work-related illnesses or injuries. Another 268 million non-fatal workplace accidents result in an average of three lost workdays per casualty, as well as 160 million new cases of work-related illness each year. Additionally, 8% of the global burden of disease from depression is currently attributed to occupational risks.

These data, collected by the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization, only reflect the injuries and illnesses that occur in formally registered workplaces. In many countries, most workers are employed informally in factories and businesses where there are no records of work-related injuries or illnesses, let alone any programmes to prevent injuries or illnesses. Addressing this huge burden of disease, economic costs and long-term loss of human resources from unhealthy workplaces is a formidable challenge for national governments, economic sectors, and health policy-makers and practitioners.


Fonte: WHO


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