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Brexit Update: UK Designated Standards for Machinery

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Brexit Update   UK Designated Standards for Machinery

Brexit Update: UK Designated Standards for Machinery

ID 12775 | 07.02.2021 / List in pdf attachment

Dated 1st January 2021, the Government has published a consolidated list of Standards for machinery. It supports the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 (S.I 2008/1597). As will be seen from the UK Government statement, the Standards Update has been categorised into three sections: A-Type, B-Type and C-Type. You can access the full article by clicking on the headline above.

THE DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS, ENERGY & INDUSTRIAL STRATEGY NOTICE OF PUBLICATION 0015/21 of 1 January 2021 of references to standards for machinery in support of the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 (S.I. 2008/1597) This notice confirms that:

a) The references to standards listed in Annex I to this notice are published for the purposes of regulation 2A of S.I. 2008/1597 and accordingly are designated pursuant to that regulation in relation to England and Wales and Scotland.
b) The references to standards listed in Annex II to this notice are published for the purposes of regulation 2A of S.I. 2008/1597 but will be removed from publication from the dates set out in that Annex. Accordingly, each of these standards will not be designated, or give rise to any presumption of conformity, on or after the date set out in respect of it.

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