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UNI EN 17266:2019 | Mercurio organico nei frutti di mare

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UNI EN 17266 2019

UNI EN 17266:2019 | Mercurio organico nei frutti di mare

UNI EN 17266:2019 Prodotti alimentari - Determinazione degli elementi e delle loro specie chimiche - Determinazione del mercurio organico nei frutti di mare mediante analisi elementare del mercurio

Data entrata in vigore: 19 dicembre 2019

La norma specifica un metodo per la determinazione del mercurio organico nei frutti di mare mediante analisi del mercurio elementare.

Recepisce: EN 17266:2019


In allegato Preview EN 17266:2019 riservata Abbonati

EN 17266:2019 Foodstuffs - Determination elements and their chemical species - Determination of organomercury in seafood by elemental mercury analysis

This document describes a method for the determination of organomercury in seafood/fishery products by elemental mercury analysis. The method has been successfully valideted in an interlaboratory study with a working range from 0,013 mg/kg to 5,12 mg/kg (HORRAT values <2) in seafood/fishery products [1], [2]. The limit of quantification is approximately 0,010 mg/kg organomercury (referring to dry weight, expressed as mercury) [3], [4]. Organic species of mercury, other than monomethylmercury, are also extracted and thus determined with this method. However, in seafood/fishery products the contribution from organic species of mercury other than monomethylmercury is negligible.


Fonte: UNI/EVS

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Tags: Normazione Chemicals Food Abbonati Normazione

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