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ISO/TS 24159:2022

ID 16949 | | Visite: 1261 | News NormazionePermalink:

ISO TS 24159 2022

ISO/TS 24159:2022

ID 16949 | 28.06.2022 / Preview in allegato

ISO/TS 24159:2022 Refuse collection vehicles - Safety of manual and rear-loaded refuse collection vehicles

Publication date: 2022-04

This document provides general requirements, recommendations and examples of safety methods to ensure the safety of operation of manual and rear-loaded refuse collection vehicles (RCVs).

This document applies to manual and rear-loaded RCVs with rotating plate loading systems, compression plate loading systems and rotating drum loading systems, and covers methods for ensuring safety with regard to the loading systems and discharge systems.

This document applies to the design and manufacture of manual and rear-loaded RCVs to ensure that they can be operated, adjusted and maintained such that they function properly.

This document is not applicable to the handling of loads the nature of which can lead to dangerous situations (e.g. hot refuse, acids and bases, radioactive materials, contaminated refuse, especially fragile loads, explosives).


Fonte: ISO

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