UNI EN ISO 26800:2011
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UNI EN ISO 26800:2011
Ergonomia - Approccio generale, principi e concetti
La presente norma è la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese della norma europea EN ISO 26800 (edizione agosto 2011).
La norma descrive i principi ergonomici fondamentali: definisce i termini ergonomici di base ed illustra i concetti, ritenuti rilevanti per la progettazione e valutazione di compiti, attività lavorative, prodotti, sistemi, servizi ed ambienti, allo scopo di renderli compatibili con i bisogni, le capacità ed i limiti delle persone.
La norma fornisce indicazioni al fine di ottimizzare la funzionalità del sistema, l'efficacia, l'efficienza, l'affidabilità e la disponibilità, pur salvaguardando la sicurezza, la salute ed il benessere del lavoratore (o utente).
In allegato Preview EN ISO 26800:2011 Ergonomics - General approach, principles and concepts (ISO 26800:2011) riservata Abbonati
EN ISO 26800:2011
This International Standard presents the general ergonomics approach and specifies basic ergonomics principles and concepts. These are applicable to the design and evaluation of tasks, jobs, products, tools, equipment, systems, organizations, services, facilities and environments, in order to make them compatible with the characteristics, the needs and values, and the abilities and limitations of people. The provisions and guidance given by this International Standard are intended to improve the safety, performance, effectiveness, efficiency, reliability, availability and maintainability of the design outcome throughout its life cycle, while safeguarding and enhancing the health, well-being and satisfaction of those involved or affected. The intended users of this International Standard are designers, ergonomists and project managers, as well as managers, workers, consumers (or their representatives) and procurers. It also serves as a reference standard for standards developers dealing with ergonomics aspects. This International Standard provides the basis for other, more detailed, context-specific ergonomics International Standards.
Fonte: UNI/EVS
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