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UNI EN ISO 16924:2018 | Stazioni a GNL

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UNI EN ISO 16924 2018

UNI EN ISO 16924:2018

Stazioni di rifornimento per gas naturale - Stazioni a GNL per il rifornimento dei veicoli

Data entrata in vigore: 24 maggio 2018

La norma tratta la progettazione, la costruzione, l’esercizio, l’ispezione e la manutenzione delle stazioni il rifornimento di veicoli con gas naturale liquefatto (GNL), incluse le attrezzature e i dispositivi di sicurezza e controllo.

La norma si applica anche alla progettazione, alla costruzione, all’esercizio, all’ispezione e alla manutenzione delle stazioni di rifornimento che utilizzano il GNL come fonte di approvvigionamento per il rifornimento di GNC (stazioni di rifornimento L-GNC), inclusi i dispositivi di sicurezza e controllo della stazione e le attrezzature specifiche della stazione L-GNC.

EN ISO 16924:2018

ISO 16924:2016


In allegato Preview ISO 16924:2016 riservato Abbonati

ISO 16924:2016

Natural gas fuelling stations - LNG stations for fuelling vehicles

ISO 16924:2016 specifies the design, construction, operation, maintenance and inspection of stations for fuelling liquefied natural gas (LNG) to vehicles, including equipment, safety and control devices.

ISO 16924:2016 also specifies the design, construction, operation, maintenance and inspection of fuelling stations for using LNG as an onsite source for fuelling CNG to vehicles (LCNG fuelling stations), including safety and control devices of the station and specific LCNG fuelling station equipment.

Specific CNG equipment is dealt with in ISO 16923.

ISO 16924:2016 is applicable to fuelling stations receiving LNG and other liquefied methane-rich gases that comply with local applicable gas composition regulation or with the gas quality requirements of ISO 13686.

ISO 16924:2016 includes all equipment from the LNG storage tank filling connection up to the fuelling nozzle on the vehicle. The LNG storage tank filling connection itself and the vehicle fuelling nozzle are not covered in this document.

ISO 16924:2016 includes fuelling stations having the following characteristics:

- private access;
- public access (self-service or assisted);
- metered dispensing and non metered dispensing;
- fuelling stations with fixed LNG storage;
- fuelling stations with mobile LNG storage;
- movable fuelling stations;
- mobile fuelling stations;
- multi-fuel stations.


Fonte: UNI


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