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ADR Accordo multilaterale M303

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ADR Accordo multilaterale M303: batterie litio in elettrodomestici

22 Maggio 2017: siglato Italia

Accordo Multilaterale M303 nell'ambito della sezione 1.5.1 ADR riguardante il trasporto di accumulatori e batterie al litio installate in elettrodomestici provenienti da privati raccolte e consegnate per il trasporto per depolarizzazione, smontaggio, riciclaggio o smaltimento.

L'accordo prevede che gli accumulatori e le batterie al litio installate in elettrodomestici provenienti da privati raccolte e consegnate per il trasporto per depurazione, smontaggio, riciclaggio o smaltimento non sono soggette alle disposizioni dell'ADR, comprese le disposizioni speciali 376 e , purché:

- non siano la fonte di alimentazione principale per il funzionamento dell'apparecchiatura in cui sono contenuti;
- l'apparecchiatura in cui sono contenuti non contenga alcuna altra pila o batteria al litio utilizzata come fonte di alimentazione principale; e
- sia permessa la loro protezione dall'apparecchiatura in cui sono contenuti.

segue EN


Multilateral Agreement M303 under section 1.5.1 ADR concerning the carriage of lithium cells or batteries installed in equipment from private households collected and handed over for carriage for depollution, dismantling, recycling or disposal.

(1) By derogation from the provisions of ADR applicable to the carriage of


including special provision 636 (b) in Chapter 3.3;

(a) Lithium cells and batteries installed in equipment from private households collected and handed over for carriage for depollution, dismantling, recycling or disposal may be carried as not subject to the provisions of ADR, including special provision 376 and paragraph, provided that:
(i) They are not the main power source for the operation of the equipment in which they are contained;
(ii) The equipment in which they are contained does not contain any other lithium cell or battery used as the main power source; and
(iii) They are afforded protection by the equipment in which they are contained.

Examples of cells and batteries covered by this paragraph are button cells used for data integrity in household appliances (e.g. refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers) or in other electrical or electronic equipment.

(b) Up to the intermediate processing facility lithium cells and batteries contained in equipment from private households not meeting the requirements of (a) collected and handed over for carriage for depollution, dismantling, recycling or disposal may be carried as not subject to the provisions of ADR, including special provision 376 and paragraph 2.2.9. 1.7, ifthe following conditions are met:

(i) The equipment is packed in accordance with packing instruction P 909 of except for the additional requirements 1 and 2; or it is packed in strong outer packagings, e.g. specially designed collection receptacles, which meet the following requirements:

- The packagings shall be constructed of suitable material and be of adequate strength and design in relation to the packaging capacity and its intended use.
The packagings need not meet the requirements of; Appropriate measures shall be taken to m1mm1ze the damage of the equipment when filling and handling the packaging, e.g. use of rubber mats;
- The packagings shall be constructed and closed so as to prevent any loss of contents during carriage, e.g. by lids, strong inner liners, covers for transport.
Openings designed for filling are acceptable if they are constructed so as to prevent loss of content.

(ii) A quality assurance system is in place to ensure that the total amount of lithium cells or batteries per transport unit does not exceed 333 kg;

NOTE: The total quantity of lithium cells and batteries in the equipment from private households may be assessed by means of a statistical method included in the quality assurance system. A copy of the quality assurance records shall be made available to the competent authority upon request.


If equipment containing lithium cells or batteries is carried unpackaged or on pallets in accordance with packing instruction P 909 (3) of, this mark may alternatively be affixed to the external surface of the vehicles or containers.

NOTE: "Equipment from private households" means equipment which comes from private households and equipment which comes from commercial, industrial, institutional and other sources which, because of its nature and quantity, is similar to that from private households. Equipment likely to be used by both private households and users other than private households shall in any event be considered to be equipment from private households.

(2) This agreement shall be valid until 31 December 2018 for carriage on the territories of the ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this Agreement. If it is revoked before that date by one of the signatories, it shall remain valid until the above mentioned date only for carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this Agreement which have not revoked it.

Bonn, 16 November 2016
The competent authority for ADR ofthe Federal Republic of Germany For the Federal Ministry of Transport And Digital Infrastructur


Germany 16/11/2016  
Austria 21/02/2017  
Italy 22/05/2017  
Portugal 07/06/2017  
Luxembourg 23/08/2017  
France 14/12/2017  
Switzerland 29/12/2017  

Date of expiry: 1 January 2019

Scarica questo file (Accord Multilatèral M303.pdf)Accord Multilatèral M303
FR131 kB893
Scarica questo file (M303 letter EN.pdf)M303 letter EN
EN271 kB889
Scarica questo file (Multilaterale Vereinbarung M303.pdf)Multilaterale Vereinbarung M303
DE971 kB930
Scarica questo file (Multilateral Agreement M303 EN.pdf)Multilateral Agreement M303
EN783 kB975

Tags: Merci Pericolose Accordi multilaterali

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