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Il 1° Agosto scade l'Accordo multilaterale M222: in arrivo modifiche com l'M287

ID 1733 | | Visite: 6339 | Accordo MultilateralePermalink:

Il 1° Agosto scade l'Accordo multilaterale M222: in arrivo modifiche con l'M287

Il 1° Agosto scade l'Accordo multilaterale M222 inerente materie pericolose ADR rifiuti: in arrivo modifiche com l'M287, sottoscritto, al momento, tra Austria e Repubblica Ceca il 26 Giugno 2015, con novità interessanti per la nuova rubrica UN 3509.

L'accordo M287 sarà applicabile dall'Italia, una volta sottoscritto.

L'Accordo sottoscritto in calce alla notizia.

M222 concerning carriage of certain wastes containing dangerous goods expires on 1 August 2015.

Austria now initiates a follow up with these changes:

- By derogation from special provision 663, UN 3509 packagings, discarded, empty, uncleaned, may contain residues, which remain in the packaging after proper discharging and which cannot be removed without major effort.

- For the carriage in bulk of UN 3509 packagings, discarded, empty, uncleaned, may be carried under the terms of BK1 or VC1 instead of BK2 or VC2, provided all the other conditions remain the same.

In no case the environmentally hazardous substance mark is required.

- Transitional provision applies without time limit If you agree to the enclosed we would appreciate if you would countersign and return a copy of the agreement to this office and send another copy to the UNECE Transport Secretariat.

Accordo Multilaterale M222: Trasporto di alcuni rifiuti contenenti merci pericolose

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Allegato riservato Multilaterale Vereinbarung M287 DE.pdf
Beförderung bestimmter Abfälle die gefährliche Güter enthalten
18 kB 6
Allegato riservato Multilateral Agreement M287 EN.pdf
Carriage of certain wastes containing dangerous goods
17 kB 14
Scarica questo file (M287 Letter.pdf)Multilateral Agreement M287
EN105 kB953

Tags: Merci Pericolose Accordi multilaterali

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