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UN Model Regulations 21A Revised edition (2019)

ID 9212 | | Visite: 4691 | Documenti Riservati Trasporto ADRPermalink:

UN Model regulation 2019

UN Model Regulations 21A  Revised edition (2019)

ID 9212 | 02.08.2021 / Update March 2021 Corrigendum 1 EN/FR

At its ninth session (7 December 2018), the Committee adopted a set of amendments to the Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, concerning, inter alia, electric storage systems (including lithium batteries installed in cargo transport units and defective batteries), explosives, infectious waste of Category A, waste gas cartridges, harmonization with the 2018 Edition of IAEA's Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, listing of dangerous goods, update of LC50 values for some toxic gases and use of in vitro skin corrosion methods for classification.

This twenty-first revised edition of the Recommendations takes account of all the amendments which were circulated as document ST/SG/AC.10/46/Add.1.

Volume I (EN/FR) December 2018

Volume II (EN/FR) December 2018

Corrigendum 1 (EN/FR) March 2021

Official UN publications can also be obtained through the UN Bookshop and official distributors.


Fonte: UNECE


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Allegato riservato UN Model Regulations 21A Revised edition (2019) Corrigendum 1 EN.pdf
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UN Model Regulations 21A Revised edition (2019)
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