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ADR Guidelines: Guideline for the determination of the first date of registration of road vehicles

ID 17755 | | Visite: 1195 | Documenti Riservati Trasporto ADRPermalink:

Guideline for the determination of the first date of registration of road vehicles

ADR Guidelines: Guideline for the determination of the first date of registration of road vehicles

ID 17755 | 04.10.2022 / In allegato Linee guida

Guideline for the determination of the first date of registration of road vehicles

At its 110th session, the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15) adopted (ECE/TRANS/WP.15/255, paragraph 69 and annex IV) the following Guideline for the determination of the first date of registration of road vehicles (or date of entry into service if registration is mandatory) for the carriage of dangerous goods in relation to the application of the requirements of Chapter 9.2.



9.2.1 - Conformità con le prescrizioni del presente capitolo
9.2.2 - Equipaggiamento elettrico
9.2.3 - Impianto di frenatura
9.2.4 - Prevenzione dei rischi di incendio
9.2.5 - Dispositivo limitatore della velocità
9.2.6 - Dispositivi di aggancio di veicoli a motore e rimorchi
9.2.7 - Prevenzione degli altri rischi dovuti ai carburanti



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